Being Castrated and His Jacket .9.

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"Come on mum, seriously I do not fancy the thought of you freaking her out," I warned her as I adjusted the Bluetooth in my ear, scrolling through my phone while I did so.

"Me?! Freak her out? Never! But oh my I can't wait to meet her!" She all but screamed in my ear.

I quickly yanked the device off my ear, ignoring my mom completely while she was most likely still ranting on about November.

I couldn't wait to get back to my Pack. As much as we were in number, I actually really enjoyed the presence of my Pack members and took the time to know everything that was going on in the Pack. Plus, I was a few days behind in paperwork and I couldn't have that happening even though the committee council overworked me sometimes. They could be quite irritating. I also knew that my men and a few warriors who were in the van behind us would be missing their mates and children.

A quick glance at Jace who was opposite me told me that he was talking to his wife, Gracie. His dark face was flushed and he was rubbing the back of his head where he sported a clean buzz cut, a habit he had when talking to or about her.

Jace and I had been best friends since we were old enough to know what best friends were, our fathers being previous Alpha and Beta. We were absolutely different and complete opposites - he was wild and outgoing whereas I was reserved and tend to purposely keep to myself. It took me a while before I got used to the walking clown known as Jace Williams but once I did, he wasn't so unbearable, just a man child.

"HUNTER CAGE BLACK, REPLY ME BEFORE I CASTRATE YOU!" I heard my mother yell down the line.

Cooper who sat next to me in the black van heard my mother's shriek and raised an eyebrow my way in amusement. I rolled my eyes slightly annoyed and returned the Bluetooth to my ear.

"Yes mother?"

She huffed and it was obvious she had been shouting for a period of time, even though I was oblivious to it as of late.

"I asked where she was sweetie. I would love to say hello," she said a bit calmer. That was one thing I loved about my mom, she barely ever stayed mad for long.

Knowing she was referring to November, I told her of how she was bidding her Pack members goodbye. She picked up once again her earlier scolding on how I should stop attacking Alphas and learn to control my anger and how rude it was for me to uproot November from her life so quickly.

I only half listened, barely paying attention but giving the appropriate 'mhm's' and 'ahh's' so she wouldn't suspect my lack of interest because at that moment, November herself walked out of the Pack House.

My eyes zeroed in on her every move, her frail posture, her sluggish movement, just everything about her in general. I was mesmerized by her but more so concerned about her snail-paced movement. In the dark light, her cheeks glowed lightly and it didn't take me long to register them to be tears. A small frown settled on my face at this and guilt instantly filled me.

Was that my doing?

"I have to go mum," I cut her off from whatever it was she was saying. She sighed and I knew she hadn't missed the melancholy tone that accompanied my words.

It was awfully unusual that I felt this way about someone I had only just met. I didn't even know her but I wished to know everything about her. I wanted to know her past, her present and what she saw herself as in the future. I didn't know her yet but I wanted to know if she could forgive me for causing those tears to trail down her soft cheeks.

I bid my mother farewell and turned my body more towards the window with the intention of watching November when I noticed a hooded figure enveloping her. I snarled in rage at the thought of anyone touching her and was ready to burst out of the car to kill the bloody shit faced wanker when the head was raised up.

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