I Would Prefer If You Called Me November .11.

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He let out a deep breath and whispered softly to me, "I'm sorry I can't be here to show you around the Pack House, but I've been away for too long and I have lots of duties to attend to." His voice was low and husky, making my breathing become erratic with false anticipation.

Silly girl, I couldn't help but chide myself. I was an inexperienced virgin but being around him made me question my abstinence. His breath tickled my ear while he spoke but I couldn't find it in me to laugh because the seriousness of the situation. He rubbed his rough palms up and down my arms slowly and out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed the other guys pretend like they weren't focusing on what was going on even though it was obvious they were. Jace caught my eye and gave me a wink.

"Jace and I will be gone for a while so Cooper will show you around. When you are ready, he will take you to our home where your belongings already are. Get settled in, I'll be back late."

All of this was said quietly and more to the top of my head than to me but I nodded nonetheless, enjoying the feel of his arms around me. "Goodbye."

Much too soon, he pressed a kiss too my hair and was out the room with Jace and two guards flanking them before I could snap my fingers. So quickly I was left wondering if we had just had that conversation at all. I stared wide eyed at his retreating figure until he left the room then turned to focus on Cooper who shut the door behind them. He made his way towards me with a small smile and I felt myself relax in his presence, something about his blue eyes and shy smile reassuring me.

"Luna," he said, taking a bow in front of me and I turned my head away, slightly embarrassed and still not used to the title.

"November," I muttered softly not sure if I wanted him to hear. He gave me a confused look so I repeated myself more clearly.

"I would p-prefer if you called me November," I said to him, once again slightly abashed. He gave me a nod of understanding and gestured towards one of the rooms in the large area for me to go into. I just didn't feel like I deserved that title. I soon discovered it to be a conference room where I'm guessing he had all of his meetings. A long table took up most of the room and twenty chairs were arranged along it with a head chair at the nose of the table which was obviously Alpha Hunter's.

I took my time peeping into every room, admiring the taste of the designer. By the time I was done searching the whole floor with Cooper by my side, answering questions when I had any, I had concluded that this was Alpha Hunter's office. The office itself was quite large with numerous glass desks and shelves. There were white standing lamps and white leather couches, a few potted plants accenting the brightly lit room.

We made our way down the building with the use of the stairs which I had requested and thankfully, Cooper hadn't questioned it. We stopped by each floor so I could take a look around and Pack member stopped once they caught a whiff of Cooper to greet and ask questions about their journey which he answered to politely. However, most of them only threw me curious looks, causing me to shrink further into the big jacket I had on.

The guard Alpha Hunter had left behind with us was nowhere to be seen even though he was with us earlier but I paid no attention to it- he was the one who had looked at me funny in the elevator.

We were almost done with our tour and during the whole time, I had come to realize that Cooper was quite funny. Not in a way like Jace that was quite loud, if anything he was a bit like me, quite shy and reserved but once we got to talking, he made little jokes that made me laugh.

As we rounded a corner, a girl who looked to be about my age spotted Cooper and squealed. She rushed towards us and flew into his arms and I moved back a bit to give them some space.

"Coop! I missed you so much!"

He laughed and roughed her hair up a bit which earned a weak blow on his shoulder before returning her to her feet and in doing so, I got a better look at her. She was just a bit taller than me which wasn't much of a surprise with blonde hair and the same colored eyes as Cooper. Come to think of it, they resembled each other a lot. She had on a soft baby blue dress and a pair of white flats and honestly, she couldn't have looked more drop dead gorgeous while I looked like I was hit by a bus and my hair resembled a rat's nest from just waking up. My eyes were swollen from crying earlier and it was honestly encounters like this that made me lock myself up in my room alone until Melissa came to disturb me.

I hadn't noticed she was looking at me as well until Cooper gave a little cough and I snapped my attention to him.

"This is my little sister, Analaise." He gestured towards her and I gave a short wave.

She smiled softly at me and stretched out her hand to me. I took it and smiled back at her. She seemed like a really nice person although I knew I couldn't judge a book by its cover.

"And this is Alp-".

"My name is November." I cut him off quickly. I didn't want anyone to know yet that I was Alpha Hunter's mate. It just didn't feel right. Cooper looked at me questioningly but I avoided his gaze.

"November, lovely name. "I thanked her for the compliment, proud that for whatever reason, my stutter hadn't come out to embarrass me. I hated it.

"Anyways, I have to go to the bakery, mom is waiting for me." She moved a bit closer to her brother and whispered something in his ear that caused him to frown and she wrapped her arms around him again before leaving a kiss on his cheek.

"We miss you at home Coop."

I probably wasn't supposed to hear that so I turned around to give them a bit of privacy. Soon enough, Analaise was resting her palm on my shoulder and I turned around to meet her genuine eyes.

"It was nice to meet you November, bye."

"B-bye!" I called after her retreating figure.

She hurried away probably to meet her mom like she said and I noticed Cooper was looking a little down. I didn't like seeing people looking sad because I knew the feeling all too well but I didn't know what was wrong so I didn't know how to help so we continued a bit more quietly with our tour.

By the time we had gone around the whole Pack House, I was drenched in fatigue and exhaustion from walking around the big building but I would take it any day over using the elevator. Cooper noticed how tired I was so we decided I would finish the outside tour another day.

We hadn't visited the ground floor which was underground and top floor which was the ninth floor but I didn't ask any questions as to why.

Currently, Cooper and I were sitting together in the same vehicle with the same driver we had come to the Pack House with. We were headed towards Alpha Hunter's house and truthfully, I was a little excited. This would be my home for a very long time- hopefully, if I didn't screw things up and he decides to kick me out.

I lost track of time, how long we were in the car because I was too busy staring at Alpha Hunter's territory, noting some places in my head where I would like to visit sometime. It was only when the car stopped that I took my eyes off the green scenery to look at the house and I swear, if my jaw dropped before, it just broke.




GUYSS TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY!!! NOT BAD FOR A SCHOOLIE:) ANYWAYSSS this chapter is dedicated to bloodyjams as promised because she was the first one to reply to my 'HEY GUYS' update which I have now deleted. Thank you so much for the suggestion love. xx
Friday December 11th, 2015
~Toluwalani Sowemimo

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