Life and Death.32.

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November's statement surprised me. I admired her new found courage and respected the fact that she didn't ask for my permission, she was telling me she had made up her mind. It was the first time I had ever heard her sound so sure of anything and I respected that. I respected that a lot.





I woke up to an empty bed and I knew Hunter had left for Pack training. It had been two weeks since I had been working at Cherrie were I had a shift four times a week and I was happy with my position and the work. I had been in Hunter's Pack for almost a month now and the ceremony to include me as a member was holding next week. For a while I wasn't so pleased with the idea, but the more I was around the Pack members when I worked; the less horrible I made them out to seem. I climbed out of bed and got ready for work before going downstairs.

Miss Iris, Darla and Gracie were at the kitchen and I had gotten used to the fact that Gracie was over every time the men went out for training. She hadn't yet delivered but her due date had passed so everyone had been keeping an extra eye on her.

"Morning November,"

"Hi Gracie," I moved to sit next to her on the counter while doing the buttons of the jacket I had on. Her protruding belly and the fact that she could pop out at any moment restricted her movement. Darla who was sat atop the counter hit the table in my direction, most likely aware of my presence and I picked her up carefully, allowing her to get used to my scent so she could settle comfortably on my legs.

"Go-good morning M-miss Iris."

"Morning sweetheart, how was your night?"

A blush fell on my cheeks as Hunter and I's late night kisses from last night came to memory but I suppressed the thought.

"Fine, thank-thank you."

"How a-are you f-feeling?" I directed my question at Gracie while spooning crunchy cereal into my mouth and trying to balance Darla in my arms at the same time.

She sighed loudly and her face contorted uncomfortably before she relaxed again, "Honestly, not so great but you would think Jace is the one giving birth to this little one. The idiot can barely sleep, always jumping at every little whimper that comes from me. He's paranoid."

"But h-he's your i-idiot," I teased her; well aware of how hilarious Jace could be after these couple of weeks.

"Unfortunately," she giggled, tugging the singlet she had on to cover her belly which didn't work at all, causing her to frown.

I downed the rest of my cereal and plopped Darla back on the counter after a bit of resistance from her.

"Have fun at work darling," Miss Iris called as I made my way to the door, pulling on my sneakers and a coat as I waved the three of them off before shutting the door behind me.

I punched in the code Hunter had taught me to open the gate and Gunther stood at the other side with the black SUV he had been using to take me to work for the past two weeks.

"Your Highness," he bowed at me and I giggled at his playful act, giving him a curtsy like we had been doing for a while.

He opened the door for me and once he was in as well, we sped off.

I was surprised when Hunter hadn't rejected my idea to work with Cherrie. Over the couple of weeks, I had found a way of living in the Pack and I was quite comfortable. I met a lot of new people, especially working at the diner and Cherrie and I had gotten very close despite the age difference. Working with her was a delight and her other employees were equally as welcoming. Her husband was a large man and he treated me as though I was one of his children, the same way he treated all of his young employees.

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