A Tour and A Diner.31.

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"Come on November, open your eyes for me."

I groaned, shifting uncomfortably as I found it hard to peel my eyes open.

"Come on baby, it's okay."

A hand fit into my palm impeccably and my eyes shot open at the heat that spread from that area. And then I groaned shutting my eyes once more due to the headache the quick movement gave me.

"Wh-what happened?"

Hunter's hand pressed down against my head comfortably and he rubbed at my forehead, "You had a panic attack earlier this morning and passed out."

"Oh." I didn't know what else to say so I turned my head away feeling embarrassed that he had seen that. Most of the time I just handled it on my own except from the rare cases where Melissa or Olivia where there to help me.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" His concern brought tears to my eyes and I blinked my heavy eyelids to rid them but Hunter caught on to what I was doing.

"Hey, it's okay. That's nothing to cry about," he cupped my cheek and smiled down at me, wiping under my eyes.

"It's em-embarrassing,"I weakly explained with a sniff and Hunter helped me shift so I could rest my back on the headboard, my fingers twisting at each other on my lap.

"Not really, I mean Chloe used to have panic attacks but now they've subsided."

"S-she did?"

"Yeah, but that was years ago so don't have to worry about it. Do you want to talk about what happened? Your dream I mean."

I shook my head no and Hunter sighed, pecking my forehead before moving back so I could get out of bed.

"Go take a shower and meet me downstairs okay?"

I nodded and he left the room for me. As I got my towel and headed towards the bathroom, I couldn't help but ponder on Hunter's words. Chloe used to have panic attacks? Why?

Unable to think up any good explanation, I let the thought slip out of my mind as the water washed up the sweaty remains on my body, pelting my head.

I hadn't had that nightmare in months. It was one part of that night so many years ago that I hated to remember and I sighed as I brought my exposed palm to my line of sight, watching as the water dribbled between my fingers, my scars. My fear of fire grew with each passing nightmare and if it wasn't enough that it had killed my parents, it had left me with another gift as well.

I hated it. I hated the fact that I was scarred. It reminded me too much of that night and that was one reason why I covered it up with my glove, so there wouldn't be a constant reminder of those past events. Another was just because it was plain embarrassing. I didn't want people seeing it and asking me what had gone wrong. It wasn't a question I was willing to answer anytime soon.

I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my body, slipping my glove back on securely. I quickly got changed and began to make my way downstairs. The prominent smell of bacon assaulted my senses and animated voices coming from most likely the TV filled my ears.

I made my way into the kitchen and Hunter had his back facing me, his tattoo and strong back on full display as he flipped bacon and sausages on the stove. His joggers hung low on his waist and I averted my eyes from his frame and took a seat on the counter.

"Feel any better?"

I nodded before realizing he wasn't facing me and then replied him out loud, "Yeah,"

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