A Guard and A Rogue.29.

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If there was one thing I was good at, it was hiding how I truly felt in a situation. I might not be able to control myself properly when I got emotional but when I had to, I knew how to hide how I felt very well. It was how I learnt to survive mentally.

To an outsider, after Jace confession, i might have looked nonchalant and that's only because I didn't want to hurt his feelings or get him even more angry or frustrated but really, on the inside, I was panicking.

"Wh-what do you mean by you l-let him out?" I asked him cautiously.

He muttered a word I wouldn't be caught dead saying and a blush fell over my cheeks before he sputtered, "I mean I left the freaking cell open and he left damn it!"

I flinched at his outburst and his look softened a bit towards me before he started to pace.

"God, I'm sorry November, I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just that gahh." He ran his palm over his shaven head and stopped his pacing and I wasn't sure if it was a sniffle I heard from him before he began to pace again.

"This is the first freaking time this has ever happened and I have no idea what the hell happened. One moment he was there and the next, he was gone and it's all my damn fault."

"Pl-please, calm down." I watched him worriedly from the couch not sure how to help him.

"I can't freaking calm down; Hunter is going to kill me. I let him down."

He stopped his pacing after a few more minutes of rebuking himself which I let him do so he could vent out his frustrations before he finally collapsed on the couch I was sitting on with a loud sigh.

"God, I need my baby." He held his head with his palms with his elbows on his knees and I kept quiet, so he could calm down. Finally he looked up and his eyes were red.

"Please Jace, tell m-me wh-what happened." I pushed forward on the couch and held his hand in mine so he would know I care.

He sighed and set his face in an ugly scowl, "I brought the mutt out to interrogate him because Hunter sent orders that we should before he came in himself to see if we could get any information. He didn't talk much and we figured he was useless to us so I was going to lock him back in. Then I got a weird feeling in my stomach and I knew something was wrong with Gracie. I'm normally the one who's in charge of locking them back up in case of anything but because of Gracie, I had to get to her."

"Is she o-okay n-now?" I cut him off curiously.

He nodded before continuing, "Yeah. So anyways, I left quickly after telling one of the guards to lock him up and the next thing I know, I've settled Gracie and Darla in bed and I'm getting guards sending me links and asking where the prisoner is. I was confused. I had left him with one of the guards and he had escaped."

"B-but that w-wasn't you fau-fault. You didn't kn-know he would escape," I squeezed his hand comfortingly.

"You don't understand November, it wasn't my fault but it was my responsibility." He stood up hastily.

"No, Gracie i-is your responsibility. Sh-she's your wife Jace,"

"And now that damn mutt is somewhere in our territory, trying to escape. Not only might he cause trouble or goddess forbid, deaths, Hunter might not have made it obvious, but he wants to kill that bastard, " he went on and I'm sure he hadn't heard my weak comment.

I lowered my head, "Yeah, he wa-want's revenge."

He threw his hands up, "My point exactly. And who better than to inflict his anger on than the person to blame for the mishap."

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