Her Eyes and Her Story .14.

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"Olivia." November gasped out after a few seconds of staring at Gracie weirdly. I stiffened at the name and shot a glance at Jace who had finally pried his eyes off the TV and stared at the scene before him in alarm. That name hadn't been mentioned in ages and Darla was beginning to fidget around in my arms, rubbing her palm over my low beard in fascination like she usually did. I threw a look at her dad, signaling for us to exit the room and give the women space.

Surprisingly, Gracie's eyes were tear free unlike the last few times her sister's name had been mentioned which was a couple of years back. I had ordered the Pack to no longer speak about Olivia after seeing how distressed it made my Beta and his wife so Gracie's calm demeanor shocked us but November's reaction in comparison was the exact opposite.

In her worn out faded nightgown with her long white hair, slightly hiding her face like a curtain, hot tears sliding miserably down her face which was in a tight grimace, cheeks red and eyes puffy and swollen, November reminded me so much in that moment of a lost and broken child and I wanted nothing more than to hold her tightly in my arms and give her the comfort I knew she needed, kissing her tears away, but I also knew that having a talk with Gracie would help her.

Jace was already by my side and together, we made our way out just in time to see November fling her very much distressed self towards a compassionate eyed waiting Gracie.

"O-oh my g-gosh!" November exclaimed.

The door clicked shut softly behind us.

We stood in the empty hallway for a few minutes, listening in on fragments of their conversation and I didn't have to look at Jace to know he was extremely worried. Olivia's story was truly tragic but no one had, suffered from it more than his wife, her sister had.

But if I was sure of one thing that kept me sane, it was that November was in good hands. In my lifetime, I had been so betrayed by someone who I was expected to trust the most, someone I was supposed to be able to confide in. Now, the only people I trusted with my life were Jace, Gracie, my mum, sister, Miss Iris and Cooper. No other people had received such an honor and I doubted anyone else ever would, except of course November.

Jace sighed.

"I'll wait for her in the living room downstairs." He said, referring to Gracie.

I nodded and handed Darla over but not before a kiss to her small shaped forehead.

Her hand skimmed my face briefly before she was picked by Jace, forcing her to quickly adjust, recognizing the scent of her father.

"Night Hunter."

I gave a nod in response and an exhausted looking Jace and a half asleep Darla made their way downstairs. After a few minutes of leaning against the door and eavesdropping, I could tell that they wouldn't be done with their conversation anytime soon so I quickly mind linked Miss Iris to watch out for November leaving the room so she could be escorted to our bedroom.

Deciding it was high time I found my way to bed, extremely exhausted from the day's work, I let out a sigh and made my way towards the stairs to get to my room which would now belong to November and I. I hoped she would be okay after Gracie explained everything to her and that she wouldn't be too heart broken. Olivia's story wasn't something to be taken lightly in my territory even though it was a thing of the past.

Once I reached the large mahogany door of our bedroom, I threw it open, slamming it shut behind me and stoutly clapped twice for the light switch to come on. Once light flooded the room, I pulled of my tie and undid the remaining buttons of my shirt, taking it off and throwing it into the hamper at the corner. I kicked off my trousers and threw them in as well.

It wasn't until I went into the bathroom that I noticed the small but noticeable changes in my room that I could only guess had been done by Miss Iris. Beside my toothbrush stood another and in the bathtub, a pink loofah was hung up near my own dark blue one.

I quickly brushed my teeth and rinsed my face before moving back into the main room. I had been to clouded by sleep but now that my eyes were wide open from the water, I noticed an empty suitcase and an empty tattered duffel at the corner which I knew to be November's because Cooper had loaded it and a few other items in the car last night. I pushed open the walk in closet that I had specifically built for my mate along with this house and was pleased to see that after about three to four years of being empty, a few clothes hung in the racks, a few items tucked away in some drawers.

Back at the room, I noticed quite a load of books sitting with mine on my bookshelf, filling up almost the entire shelf and the once empty second dresser now filled with a few products. Many more of her items lay dispersed neatly around the room and slowly but surely, her scent was beginning to make its way into the room permanently.

I inhaled the scent deeply.

It felt extremely well seeing my once half empty room slowly beginning to fill up. It felt like the empty part of my life was also beginning to fill up as well. I felt settled knowing that November moving in wouldn't cause a great change in my home and her belongings had been able to be well fit even though somewhere in my heart, I knew I would have gone the extra mile if I had to just to make her more comfortable.

I made my way into my large king sized bed, throwing the brown duvet over my legs and tucking my head into a large pillow. I turned off my phone and put it by my dresser knowing that time wasn't an excuse when it came to work, but it was going to be for me today and the old suck ups were going to have to deal with it. I clapped my hands twice firmly and as quickly as it had come before; the light vanished and gave way to darkness.

My mother had informed me that she would be over with my little sister tomorrow to visit and to finally meet November but I didn't have the heart to tell her that now probably wasn't a good time. With everything going on with November- just moving in and having to find out about Olivia, I worried that the pressure would be too much on her, but something told me otherwise.

It was in her eyes. I could tell she had suffered a very great deal of loss and that she had a story to tell just like everyone else. I could also tell she was far from being ready to tell it. It seemed to me that she was extremely emotional but I found it difficult to tag her as weak because her eyes were those of a very strong person. I had no idea what had happened to her but I knew it had to be serious to have made her so fragile. She seemed like she had gone through the worst case scenario a person could imagine for themselves, and that worried me. The fact that she stuttered was something unique that I found about her but I could also tell she hated it because she barely talked and she didn't stutter all the time but when she did, she always winced and I wish I could mark her so I would know what was going on in her mind. I'd know exactly what to do to help her get over all of her problems.

I shook my head lightly and dug my head farther into the pillow, deciding to leave the heavy thoughts for later and so invited the light thoughts such as the feel of November's body around mine in her room at the Cold Flames pack house, and the warmth it filled me with as it lulled me to sleep.




Heyyyyy!! So I'm not sure if it's obvious, sorry if it is but I sorta have difficulties writing Hunter's  pov cause:
1.I'm a girl
2.I'm just 14 years old, I have no idea about how boys feel about girls and how their bodies respond and stuff like that, yeah:)
So in other words, Hunter's pov will be very minimum in this story/series.

If it isn't already obvious, I'll state it explicitly here, what happened to Olivia will not be revealed anytime soon, maybe not even in this book.

What do you guys think of Gracie being Olivia's sister? I'm sure a few of you might have thought they were the same person XD

Anywayssss, this chapter is dedicated to @silver_chick who made me the lovely cover above quite a while ago, sorry for just dedicating this to you now. You guys should follow her!!

School resumes tomorrow so updates will be very slow, I'm sorry. I love you guys!✨
Sunday 10th January, 2016
.Toluwalani Sowemimo

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