Grouchy Alpha and a Confused Mate .7.

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I'm shocked to say the least. Why so early? It was obviously unavoidable that I would leave the Pack, but why now? We had only just met a few hours ago.

"What?" I asked confused. Once a she wolf meets her mate, it's only natural if not mandatory for her to follow him to his Pack. She usually has a few days to a week before she's to leave. However, I had only a few hours which was odd.

A look of only what I can decipher as hatred flashed in his eyes before he let out a sigh, using his fingers to comb through his hair, "I attacked Alpha Cade."

I didn't reply but really, I'm surprised. It's rare that from permission of an Alpha to enter a Pack, the other Alpha mistreats the invitation, but when it does happen, the Alpha and his men must leave the Pack before the next twenty four hours of be taken as prisoners for the Pack, no matter the fact that that Alpha was the ruler of the Kingdom, it was pure disrespect.

Alpha Hunter continued to speak for a while but my attention wasn't focused on his words anymore, but rather on his voice. His deep, velvety, sexy-

Get a grip November, I scolded myself. It was disturbing how my attention could be so easily taken away just by the little things he did.

I blinked my eyes a few times and refocused my attention to Alpha Hunter who I noticed had stopped talking; now facing me with a look of concern and worry.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, "You zoned out for a minute."

"I'm fine."

He gave me a look of uncertainty and guilt, "Look November, I'm really sorry. I know we only just met today yet see how much trouble I've brought on you already."

I almost wanted to stop him there and let him know that everything besides meeting him that had happened today was a daily occurrence. If he thought panic attacks and a few words here and there were trouble for me, he only knew half of it, but I let him continue anyways.

"I'm sorry for uprooting you from your life so quickly but frankly, we don't really have much of a choice here right now."

"Why did you attack my Alpha?" I cut him off, genuinely curious. I mean, I knew Alpha Cade wasn't the nicest man out there, but what could have pushed the ruler of the Kingdom to attack one of his generals?

He sucked in a sharp breath and immediately, his posture straightened, a light growl escaping his lips.

"Alpha Hunter, what's w-wrong?" I asked, timidly placing a worried hand softly on his shoulder. He brushed it off and I tried to mask the rejection on my face with one of indifference, but in truth, his action made me realize that perhaps Piper was right. He most likely didn't want me and was only taking me to his Pack to publicly reject and humiliate me. He probably only said those things so he could lure me into his Pack before he publicly humiliates me. Yeah, that was most probably the reason why.

A small frown settled on my face at my negative thinking and watched, almost dazed as he got up from the seat and told me to pack my belongings.

"I'll be back for you in an hour, pack your bags," he said deathly calm before leaving me alone in the room.

What had I done wrong?! Was I really that repulsive? Or was he just showing his true colors finally?

I stood on shaky feet and made my way towards the caretakers' quarters, a floor where all the caretakers roomed, directly above the Omega floor which happened to be mine.

I stood at Melissa's front door and gave it two knocks so she would know it was me.

"Give me a minute dearie!" She yelled out from the other side, her voice coming out muffled because of the door in between us.

I leaned my head against the door and unconsciously, my mind drifted to Alpha Hunter once again.

If it hadn't been for the hostile attitude and the cold shoulder he had given me barely a few minutes back, I never would have believed him to be the Hunter Black that everyone talks about.

I had seen a side of Alpha Hunter that had scared me, but strangely enough I knew wouldn't hurt me. His instant change in attitude from comforting to harsh in one minute amazed me and I found myself recollecting the encounter we had had just now.

His attitude change towards me gave me an unsettling feeling in my heart and I worried again that he didn't want me. It was the biggest fear of every werewolf who had found their mate that they would be rejected and it wasn't a subject that was taken lightly. But it was my biggest fear already because it wasn't only that he would reject me, it was also that he would leave me. They were two completely different things. My mind continued to think of every possible thing that could go wrong. He would reject me, I would be lonely again and my bullying would pick up more because everything Piper had said would have been true.

Over the couple of years I had suffered from my panic attacks, I had come to realize that they had more to do with my state of mind. I caused most of them by myself, overthinking things. Maybe once in a blue moon did it occur because someone did something to me; it was usually because of where I let my trail of thoughts lead me to, my deepest darkest fears and worries. And even after discovering this fact, I still wasn't strong enough to stop myself each time it happened from letting me think these things. It was no surprise when after a while with my thoughts all pessimistic, I began to feel dizzy.

I let out shaky breaths as a panic attack began to make its way to the surface. I gave Melissa's room door a whetted knock, starting to gasp for oxygen to fill my lungs. I lay my head ion the door and wrapped my arms around myself.

A few clicks later, Melissa threw the door wide open with her robe and sleeping cap on and a welcoming smile on her face.

"Oh dear child, what is the matter?" She asked, the smile slipping off her face when she took in my state of distress.

I lunged myself at her, clutching unto her slightly plump body and she hurried me into the room, locking the bed room door behind her. She ushered me towards her bed, where I had lay a thousand times.

I dropped with a thud, my hands over my chest while I rocked myself from side to side, struggling to breathe. I hated this so much!

Melissa climbed into bed after me, resting her back on the headboard before dragging my shaky body towards her, where she lay my head on her bosom, as a mother would to her child.

"You poor child, it's okay," she soothed me, combing my now dry hair with her slightly wrinkled fingers.

She counted one to ten with me repeatedly, while I tried my hardest to push down the suffocating need to throw up, thankful that she didn't bring up the fact that I wasn't taking my medicine. They stopped me from having my panic attacks but I hated the after effects.

I stayed cocooned in her hold for a few more minutes before I felt the oxygen being returned to my lungs, which I took in greedily.

The minute my breathing was even again, I let the tears that had gathered in the corner of my eyes during the whole ordeal fall.

"Sweetie," Melissa called out to me from atop my head worriedly.

She raised my head and spotted the tears, leaking down my face shamelessly.

"Cry it out pudding, it's good to cry," she comforted me stroking my hair back.

Sobs racked through my body and she held me tighter, kissing my forehead in the process, and for the first time in a long time, I allowed myself to have a good cry.




Hey guys:) so this chapter is dedicated to two amazing readers out there angelnnn for always reading and voting whenever I update and also naimaaha for dropping the funniest comments from chapter one to six. I hope you lot enjoy this chapter, sadly I'm not sure when ill update again because school starts tomorrow but, we'll see. Love you guys and please share this story with your friends. Bye.xxxx Claudia Sroka above!!! Playing November.xx
Monday 7th September, 2015
~Toluwalani Sowemimo

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