Hot Chocolate and Touch Me.23.

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"How's Gracie by the way? November told me what happened to her last night."

Jace took a sip from his water bottle before replying, "Better, thankfully. It was just a false alarm. But damn, she's been scarfing down chicken tenders and I can't even," he stopped to laugh and I scoffed at him.

"Bet you, she'd beat you at an eating contest."

"No way bro, I'd beat her for sure."

"You're a rubbish liar Jace."

"You're a rubbish liar Jace," he mocked my accent and I shoved him hard.

"Ouch!" he pouted and I rolled my eyes at him. I doubt it even hurt him. There was a reason Jace was my Beta. Apart from being my best friend, he was a pretty amazing fighter and the only person who had managed to almost knock me down.

"Fine though. I don't doubt you to be honest, Hunt. She's been eating everything and anything in sight. It's adorable and that's why I love her."

"Are they still having their spa thing later today?" I played with the strings of my joggers, tying and untying them.

"Yeah, Gracie's been talking about it nonstop. She's so excited for November to meet everyone else. She talks about her like they're best friends already." He paused to rub at the back of his neck and I laughed at him for that, a habit that would never get old.

"I'm sorry man, I just love talking about her, even though we've been together for years, I just never get tired. She's that amazing."

His face flushed and he tried to get serious again, "So how's November doing?"

We talked a little more at the training grounds while waiting for a few more of the warriors to be present seeing as it was a few minutes to six. I tried to get what November had said out of my mind but it just kept bothering me so I decided to confide in Jace. He frowned after I finished telling him what had happened.

"Are you sure you heard right?"

"Of course I did."

"Man, that's tough bro."


Jace was quiet for a few seconds and I could tell he was trying to think of the right thing to say. He was always good at giving advice, a quality he and his wife expertly shared.

"Maybe she has like trust issues or something. I think you should tread on the topic lightly, maybe don't just pounce it on her. Let her talk when she wants to talk. You never know, time might make a huge difference."

"I guess but, it's just frustrating. Like why the hell does she think I'm going to leave her? What makes her think that way?"

I huffed out. "There are so many things about her that I just don't understand but it's so bloody frustrating. Like how she wears a glove on one hand or how she hides this necklace into her shirt which I notice but I don't think she knows I've seen it. She seems adamant on hiding it but I have no idea why so it's freaking frustrating. She's really shy; she doesn't really talk a lot which really isn't a problem. Like I understand some people can be timid but hers is a little past that. It's like she's scared to talk or something, holding back. She doesn't want to express herself. I don't know man, it's all so frustrating."

I tugged roughly at my hair to try and calm myself down and got up from the spot where we were seated on soiled ground. I offered my hand to Jace so he could get up because it was almost time for the training to begin.

"First off, you have got to improve your vocabulary because the number of times you used the word 'frustrating' should not be allowed. Darla would be disappointed"

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