The Office and His Stubble.18.

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"Jace!" Gracie screamed as she flew down the stairs irrespective of her large belly with Darla in her arms to Jace who had just come in through the door. He scolded her quickly before laughing and pulling her into a tight embrace, attacking her face with kisses causing her to squirm and giggle. Darla squealed once she realized it was her father beside them and once he placed a final kiss on Gracie's pouty lips, he focused his attention on his daughter, peppering her faces with kisses as well while she shrieked with her arms flung open, kicking excitedly in the air.

They were such a beautiful family.

I made my way out of the living room and into the kitchen to give them some space. Jace had just returned from a meeting with Alpha Hunter and was leaving with Gracie and Darla. I was going to miss Gracie's presence so much. I already enjoyed being around her.

I went into the kitchen and Miss Iris threw me a quick smile before continuing to round up the lunch. I sat down on the counter. Alpha Hunter had gone upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes as his mum and sister were due soon.

I mainly just watched Miss Iris, picking up a few skills from her cooking before my name was called. I turned my head to the side and was met with Jace. He had a groggy less excited looking Darla in his hands and a large duffel bag most likely with Darla and Gracie's stuff slung over his blazer coated shoulder.

"Jace," I smiled softly at him because from the short time we had spoken in the Cold Flames Pack house, he seemed like a very friendly person.

"Where's G-gracie?" I looked behind him noticing his wife was gone.

He stifled a laugh, "full bladder."

He was so childish, it was cute. "How have you been settling in?"

"Not b-bad, although the house is really big and I'm y-yet to explore."

He nodded with understanding. Alpha Hunter's house really was huge and I couldn't wait to check and see what was behind every door although there was no way I could do that on my own, I would get lost before I was done with my tour.

"Babe, where are you?"

"In the kitchen."

Gracie walked into the kitchen after hearing Jace's reply and I looked worriedly at her. She had her palm over her stomach and her face was contorted in an uncomfortable manner, "I don't feel too good."

Jace rushed to her side, careful not to wake Darla who had fallen asleep on his shoulder and I stood up to see if I could be of any help. Miss Iris left the stove and made her way towards us hurriedly.

"What's wrong with you sweetie."

"I don't know, I just went to use the bathroom and my tummy hurts a lot." She grimaced and held her stomach more tightly. Miss Iris rubbed her back to calm her down and I stood not knowing what to do.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll go home now." Jace pulled her gently to his chest and they began to make their way out.

"Bye November," Gracie whispered so softly, I almost wouldn't have heard it.

"Yeah, take care of yourself okay?" I nodded in response to them and waved them off, worried for Gracie.

"Bless that child," Miss Iris murmured before returning to the food and I sat on top of the countertop. As awkward as I was with babies and children in general, it was wishful thinking that swam my mind into thoughts of Alpha Hunter and I having a family together. The thought made my cheeks redden because Melissa had already educated me on what went down before the baby.

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