The Lunch and Eavesdropping.19.

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A small figure jumped him once the door was open causing his hold on my hand to slacken as he tried to balance her figure with his one arm. She peppered his face with loud and over exaggerated kisses while Hunter fake gagged. I stifled a giggle behind them although it didn't go unnoticed.

The little girl focused her attention on me and I fidgeted awkwardly with my hands, not knowing what to do. The resemblance between her and Alp- I mean Hunter was shocking. They both shared the same striking brown eyes and small smirks and her face structure resembled his in such a way that you could tell she would leave a trail of hearts when she was of age. The only noticeable difference between them was their hair color. Where Hunter had a rich cinnamon brown, Chloe sported a pale blonde which was currently held in a tight plait.

"Hello," I waved at her somewhat awkwardly.

She flashed me her pearly whites and gave a small wave back before burying her head shyly in the crook of Hunter's neck. He chuckled softly as he nestled her in his embrace, "She's shy with new people."

I nodded in understanding.

"Hunter Black, have you no manners? How long will you block me before I see your beautiful mate?" a voice demanded.

"Mom..." A hint of red brushed over Hunter's cheek and I stifled a laugh but it was gone as quickly as it came.


Hunter followed his mom's command and stepped aside, leaving me open as though I was a prize and I suddenly felt naked as his hand left mine.

In front of me stood a beautiful woman, much taller than me which wasn't surprising. She had deep dark brown eyes which I was beginning to feel was a family thing. Her luscious blond locks were thrown into a classy ponytail. She had on a soft dress with casual flats and a handbag yet she managed to look effortlessly flawless. Her presence demanded attention and who was I to not give her just that.

She looked at me gently and a flicker of surprise crossed her features but it was gone so quickly, I thought I had imagined it. I bowed my head in respect because she was the former Luna of the Pack which meant she was an elder. Elders are people who were in the higher rank but got their positions taken over by their heir. You didn't necessarily have to be old to be classified as one of the elders.

"My, my," she smiled kindly at me as though she knew something I didn't and picked up my palms, holding it in hers gently.

"November isn't it?"

I gave a shy nod and she raised a teasing eyebrow.

"Y-yes ma'am."

She swiped at the air, dropping my hands in the process, "Nonsense! It's Marianne to you dear." She took a final step into the house and the door was shut behind her.

"Hey mom."

Mrs. Black pulled Hunter into her arms and he had to bend before she could properly hold him, ruffling his hair up a bit.

"Miss Iris! Lunch time please!"




The lunch with Hunter's family wasn't as awkward as I expected it to be. I was sat opposite Hunter on a large table for twelve in the dining parlor. Chloe was sitting next to me with Hunter directly across me and Mrs. Black on his other side.

Miss Iris brought in the food and my mouth salivated even before I had taken a bite out of it. I moved my head a bit out of the way and she dropped the dishes on the already set table before moving back.

"Enjoy your meal," she addressed us, before leaving. At first, I felt extremely awkward, so much so that I found the pattern on the tablemats quite charming as I took closer looks and studied it. But after a while, I began to feel just a bit more comfortable.

Miss Iris's meal turned out to be extremely delicious without a doubt which wasn't much of a surprise. The lunch mainly consisted of Chloe mainly talking about her day and her mother telling her not to talk with food in her mouth, a few laugh from Hunter and very minimal giggles from me. It wasn't that I wasn't interested in the conversation, I just felt uncomfortable being around people I didn't know so well. When Miss Iris came in to take our plates I offered to help and Miss Iris looked conflicted. I immediately regretted asking because I had put her in such a tight situation. She couldn't exactly say no to me but it will be odd for me to be washing up when Mrs. Black was here to see me. I guess it was just an instinct I was used to in the Cold Flames pack which was to clean up for everyone else.

However, when Mrs. Black gave an impressed nod, Miss Iris nodded and I stood to pick up my plate and Hunters' to assist her.

"Thank you, baby." He touched my hand lightly.

I blushed under his gaze and mumbled a small you're welcome. I couldn't seem to get out of the room behind Miss Iris any quicker. I loved that he called me that, it will probably take me a while to get used to it but I loved it anyways.

"Miss Iris I'm sorry" I gushed once we were safely behind the closed door of the vast kitchen. I felt bad for putting her in such a tight situation, I was just so used to cleaning up that it came naturally to me; I hadn't meant it to be rude by leaving the dinner table that had been set up for me.

"No harm done sweetie. The Mrs. looked quite impressed." She nodded proudly at me and I smiled softly at the complement. It was all thanks to Mellissa and all the other caretakers. I hoped I would still get to see her-no. I will see her. Even if it's once in a few months, I'll find a way to get Hunter to agree to me meeting up with her.

Together we quickly sorted out the dishes: she washed while I rinsed. Once I had dropped the last cup in its rightful place, Miss Iris sent me back into the dining room and I took my freaking time. I was dead nervous! Mrs. Black was such a stunner I had no idea how she was coping with the death of her husband. The death of a mate was like a part of you, dying with them. It wasn't as gory as people made it out to seem, running mad and what not but it was extremely difficult to handle and very heartbreaking. It was losing your best friend, your lover, your life! I admired Mrs. Black so much in that moment because it takes a lot of strength to be able to cope with such a loss. She was extremely flawless and I was just.... well I was just me I guess.

I didn't want to mess things up. I could tell how much it would mean to Hunter if I got along with his mum because it was obvious how close they were, the looks they exchanged during the lunch, completing each other's sentences sometimes, their inner jokes and shared laughs, it just showed that they had a good relationship even though I could tell Hunter was a bit scared of his mum which I found funny but cute. He was a mamma's boy. However, I was just too uncomfortable, tense and nervous. I only hoped I wouldn't mess things up too bad.

I moved into the dining room and paused before entering. From the corridor, I watched as Hunter and his mum spoke in hushed tones, Chloe nowhere in sight. I knew it was wrong to eaves drop but I really couldn't help myself.




Hey guys! Finally chapter 19!! I cant believe Cold Flames has made it this far. Out of all my 7 books, this is the longest so far and I'm proud:) Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to my best friend who just started reading my book because she's not on wattpad but she's in love with it already. I love you Toms!!!! Photo above is Kim Cattral who will be playing Hunter's mum. She is so beautiful and above 50!!Bye guys, already working on chapter 20!!

Edit: She just joined!!!!!


Monday April 4, 2016.


.Toluwalani Sowemimo

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