Wolfs Bane and Poisoned.26.

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Jace, Cooper and a few people I didn't recognize had been holding down a writhing figure on the bed, torso bare and trails of blood seeping from wounds on the owner's body that were refusing to heal.

The woman who I had guessed to be the Pack doctor with the white lab coat she had on was shouting out orders to hold Hunter down and nurses and warriors alike struggled to hold his thrashing body so she could inject him with some purple substance in a syringe.

I stood in the background watching the scene before me with alertness, confusion, concern and shock and no one noticed my presence till I had gotten a good look at Hunter's face causing me to shriek with a gasp.

Head's snapped in my direction but I whimpered in pain for Hunter as I watched him. His eyes were completely black, staring violently into mine without any form of recognition. He snarled with veins popping dangerously in various parts of his body and hair spurting out of his figure, canines and claws elongated, trying to slash at the people holding him down.

"H-hunter," I moaned, moving towards him.

"November, move back!" Jace had yelled at me, pushing Hunter down by the shoulders with the others. "He doesn't recognize anyone right now, he's not in control. It's his beast."

A pang of fear hit me and I moved back as Hunter growled on the bed, snapping his teeth in my direction as he fought against the restraints with smudges of dirt and blood on his body. I stepped back and Hunter's growls and grunts of pain had filled my head.

I sank down at a corner in the room, unnoticed and buried my head in between my knees, weariness and exhaustion taking over my body. I blocked my ears and tried to ignore everything going on around me. I couldn't stand to see how much pain he was in and I didn't even know what was wrong with him.

Tears stained my cheeks but I ignored them, blocked my ears and rocked myself to the point that I couldn't hear anything anymore. I was in my own world now.

I had no idea how long I had remained in that position before careful but firm hands shook my shoulders. I looked up and squinted from the sunlight coming in through the window and it was Cooper and Jace who were kneeling by my side with concerned looks on their faces. Beyond them stood four or five other men who I knew were warriors because I recognized them coming in downstairs with the others.

"He's okay," Jace pat me cautiously, and it was then I noticed all the men stood shirtless before me. I looked away and shut my eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up and in less than a few seconds, the other men had left after bowing towards me and Cooper and Jace had stepped back from me.

"You can open your eyes now."

I did as Cooper had said and looked towards them to see that they both had on shirts. Jace chuckled, "It's been a long time since anyone looked away from this." He gestured to his clad stomach with a smirk and I scoffed fleeting my eyes across the room.

I had caught sight of Hunter's now still body on the bed. I tried to clamber to my feet but a wave of nausea hit me and my legs felt jelly like so Jace had come to my side quickly to steady me before I could fall. He took me to Hunter's bedside and a sob tore at my throat as I looked over his pale features and cold lips. The color seemed to have drained from his face and he looked weaker than I could ever imagine him to look.

Purple bruises had decorated visible areas of his chest and arms and I clutched his palm from under the cover cloth, squeezing it to get some sort of a reaction from him but to no avail.

"It's okay, he's stabilized now, thank goddess."

"Wh-what happened to hi-him out th-there?"

Cooper had at that moment thrown Jace an irritated look that expressed his anger at the situation and Jace looked back at me, "He was injected with wolfs bane at the battlefield. It's a poison that would have killed any other regular wolf but Hunter's blood (because it's Royal) was able to fight against the poison instead of accept it, and that's what we don't understand. Why would the rogues go through all the trouble of pinning him down just to inject him when they know he won't die? Apart from the fact that he won't be able to heal or shift for a few days and also that he may feel weak for a while, they know he won't die. So that's why were worried. Why didn't they just kill him when they had the chance? Why put him through all this pain and suffering?"

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