The Girl and The Luna .5.

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I stepped out of the elevator that led me to the top floor of the building and took a right turn in the direction of Cade's office, Cooper following a few feet behind. A few turns and curves here and there and we stood in front of his door. We had been in here almost two out of the whole two weeks we'd been in his territory and I was damn tired of seeing his face every day.

I knocked on the door and waited barely a second before letting myself in.

Cade was sat on his chair behind his desk, in the middle of a phone call. His office was much smaller than mine and I hated the feel of being cooped up in the room but I had to suck it up. He raised a finger at me to signal I hold on and I groaned inaudibly before taking a seat directly in front of him, Cooper taking the seat next to mine.

I crossed my hands and waited impatiently. The only reason I was in this bloody territory was because Cade was a close friend of my parents, more to my dad. He had contacted me about the rogue problem they were having a few weeks ago and Jace, my Beta, and Cooper, my third in command and I, including a few of my guards and warriors, had come as quickly as we could, leaving Aaron, my faetici in charge while we were gone.

I felt the need to help Cade because of how close he was to my father but the man had a shitty attitude and I rather wouldn't be here. So far, the attack his Pack had been expecting earlier this week had not happened and my men and I were getting ready to leave in a few days' time. Cade wanted to introduce us to his Pack this morning because they were not informed of our presence but that didn't go exactly as planned.

Once again, my thoughts slithered towards November who I had left asleep in her room under surveillance by Jace. She scared the socks off my feet when she was having that panic attack but Chloe suffered from it for a while too a few years back so I was able to handle the situation properly.

We lay in bed together for a while before Jace mind linked me that Cade wanted a meeting with me. By then, she had fallen asleep and I left her with a kiss to the head before mind linking Jace through the Pack link to stand guard at her door and Cooper to accompany me.

The beep of the phone that echoed around the room signaled that Cade's call was over and his gaze met mine almost hesitantly.

It was not unknown that I was one of the strongest Alphas in the world, the strongest in our Kingdom (Coventry) to be more precise. I was also the leader of the committee, almost to be referred to as the President of the werewolf part of the country. Despite my being the youngest Alpha that ever lived, where I lacked in age, I made up in reputation and power. Respect was demanded towards my warriors and I and that wasn't an option unless you were asking for your death.

"Hunter," Cade said facing me with a mock smile.

"Cade," I dead panned my reply, not at all in the mood to deal with his time wasting process.

I had the sudden urge to throttle him for calling this meeting and keeping me away from my mate, and hoped for his sake that what he had to say was important.

"Getting straight to business I see." He folded his hands to mimic mine and I dropped mine instantly.

"Make it quick old man."

A smirk made its way to his face and he sighed looking at me with pity. The sudden thought to bash his face against his wall crossed my mind. What in the world did this shit faced man want?

"I can't imagine how disappointed you must be my boy. How utterly humiliating if I say so myself," he said with a slight shake to his head.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I growled getting impatient with him.

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