Rogues and a Hurt Alpha.24.

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My eyes bulged out of their sockets and I felt my jaw drop. Somewhere right now, a plane just crashed. Somewhere right now, a bomb just blew up a town. Somewhere right now, a baboon was scratching it's butt.

He was looking at me blankly but his chest was still heaving. A trail of sweat dribbled down his skin and I moved a bit closer. The silence in the room wasn't as tense as you would expect it to be; instead it was apprehensive and hesitant.

I moved closer to him, "You want m-me to touch y-you?" His eyes followed my every move and he gave a nod.

Once I was close enough to him, I stood in between his legs and his facial features were more prominent now in the dim room. His lips were in a straight line but it wasn't firm, more like a relaxed sort of position. His eyes were looking into mine but I avoided them because I was too shy. He had a cut on his forehead most likely from the training but it had already healed, all that remained were a few droplets of blood.

I got out a handkerchief from the pocket of my jeans and wiped at the blood while he continued to stare at me. Once I was done, I folded it and kept it back in my pocket, making a mental note to throw it away later. We were staring at each other for what felt like forever but were only a few minutes but the moment felt too precious to talk.

Tentatively, I held his chin and used my thumb to run over his stubble like I had wanted to do yesterday. I slipped my fingers into his hair, massaging his scalp and running my fingers through his short locks. His eyes fluttered closed and he threw his head back with a satisfied sigh.

He grabbed at my waist with both hands and I blushed. The heat in the room was increasing but Hunter looked completely at peace and I was glad I had been able to make him like that considering what Miss Iris had told me. I was also thankful that nothing had been said about our conversation earlier this morning. Perhaps it had just been a dream.

His eyes flickered open and the warm brown edgy eyes I was used to were staring at me instead of the clouded black one from just minutes before.

"November I-"

His eyes took on a faraway look and I knew he was discussing with someone in the Pack.






"Alpha, there are rogues attacking the boarder. They are threatening to shed blood and refuse to leave unless you come out."

"Give me a minute and do not hesitate to attack if they cross the border line!" I barked my reply into the Pack link.

"Yes Alpha."

I blocked out the link and cursed. I hadn't even been home for a week and already the rogues were bothering my Pack. They surprised us with rare visits but every time they showed up, even after we defeated them the previous time, they were always hell bent on shedding blood which was a problem for me.

My men were the most skilled fighters in the Kingdom and once in a while, one might die. The loss of any Pack member was a blow to me and my Pack but more for me because I had a link with all one thousand and more member of my Pack and every death meant a broken link and it hurt. A lot.

Fighting with the rogues was extremely exasperating because every time they come back for the next fight, they always increase in size which made no sense. None of it made any sense really because I have no idea why they always came back or why they attacked in the first place.

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