Day Three and Their Bedroom .15.

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"STOP! Please, stop!"

There was fire everywhere, the cataclysmal flames engulfing figures, trees and even houses. The little girl sunk to her knees, crawling under the smoke as she tried to pinpoint her parents in the savage crowd.

"Please! Stop it!"

"Where is she?!"

I jumped, startled in bed, clutching my chest in fear at what I wished to be a dream but I knew was a memory. I hated dreaming of the past, it left me unkempt and disheveled, not knowing what to do with myself. That was just a reminder of the war that happened thirteen years ago. Sometimes I dream about that, and sometimes, it's about him.

I sat up and stretched my arms above my head, wincing at the popping sounds made before getting up and doing the same to the rest of my body, forcing myself to forget the memory. I made my way towards the single but large window in the slightly large guest room I had begged Miss Iris to put me in last night (although I couldn't remember why) and pulled back the rich curtains that the Sun's rays had been peeking through, allowing light to flood the previously dim room.

I stood by the window for a while, soaking in the green territory, itching for a run like I would have usually done, to get rid of the nightmares that plagued me on a daily, much earlier preferably, but I couldn't do so yet. Not without settling in properly or I would get lost.

"Where is she!?"

I jumped in surprise at the demand and was so tempted to run back into bed and hide under the covers but instead, I rushed out of the room to see what was going on. The second my foot stepped out of the room, I felt my face collide with a hard wall.

It took me a few seconds to realize it wasn't actually a wall but in fact Alpha Hunter's stone like chest. Before I could properly react, my feet were off the ground and I squealed at the loss of impact as I was kept tightly in his embrace. His nose brushed the side of my cheek and I shivered in his arms, my breath hitched, and the heat from his touch sending exquisite delight up my toes. I remained awkwardly in his arms, feeling like a toddler the way his arms hid me, not knowing what to do and too shy to react but he didn't seem to care as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent deeply, causing goose bumps to break out on my skin.

Soon enough, my feet were returned to the ground. I would prefer it if I could reciprocate his affections but for now, I was just a blob of a mess who couldn't even talk to him while looking at him in the eye. He kept me close and hadn't let go and I bent my head now conscious of the fact that I had just rolled out of bed and I definitely was not the first thing I would want to see first thing in the morning.

"Where were you last night? I asked Miss Iris to bring you to our bedroom."

I blushed under his gaze, well aware that he had just referred to his bedroom as ours but I finally realized why he had reacted the way he had. He probably must have assumed something had happened to me. He was expecting me.

I felt giddy at the thought and avoided his eyes while replying, "I a-asked Miss Iris to br-bring me to a the closest room b-because-"

I cut myself off immediately, the events of last night suddenly rushing at me like a flood. I took a step back in shock as images of last night seemed to replay itself in my head, Gracie's words repeating like a broken record, over and over and over again.

Oh, God. It wasn't a dream.

I blinked back tears and wrapped my arms around myself somberly. Alpha Hunter seemed to notice my change in mood and I was thankful when he didn't say anything. A simple comment on the weather would have broken my dam. That was the worst thing about being in the stage of trying not to cry and a river working its way into your traitorous eyes, everything set you off.

He nodded in understanding, and eyed me uneasily before backing away slowly which I was extremely grateful for because I'm pretty sure if he had so much as touched me, I would have bawled. Finally, with his shoulders tense reassuring me that he didn't want to leave me, he rounded the corner and was out of my sight.

I let out a sigh I hadn't realized I had been holding and walked back quickly into the room, my feet padding against the warm brown carpet. I sat on the edge of the bed with my head buried in my hands, rapidly blinking. I had already cried myself to sleep and I wasn't interested in doing so again. I didn't even want to think about last night anymore.

Gracie was like her younger sister in so many ways, both so eager and full of life and as she comforted me the night before, I knew I would be able to get over Olivia's tragedy, just like most of them had. I shook my head and wiped at about two stray tears that had managed to escape, surprised I hadn't had one of my infamous panic attacks like I had had in the privacy of this room last night.

I made my way into the connecting bathroom and quickly took a shower, making sure to keep my one glove dry as usual. I stepped out of the bathroom with steam as my entourage and realized I hadn't thought much about what I would do next- I had no clothes!

Alpha Hunter's scent wafted underneath my nose once I had shut the bathroom door and I clutched the towel to my naked body imperviously, searching the room wide-eyed and expecting him to show up unexpectedly. There was no way I would ever let anyone other than myself and Melissa see my slightly flabby arms and pudgy stomach.

Once I was sure the room was empty, I relaxed patently- I hadn't realized he had been in and out of the room. On the bed, a black fabric was neatly folded atop the cream sheets and I walked towards it quickly, realizing it was Alpha Hunter's jacket.

Underneath it was a pair of my white leggings and a grey t-shirt I didn't recognize but sported his entrancing scent. When I spotted my underwear tucked neatly in between the clothes, I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I got dressed quickly and made the bed I slept on, returning the curtains back in place. I wrapped my hair into a bun and pulled on the large flip flops that had been atop the clothes. I pulled on the jacket and made my way out of the room, making sure to leave it as I had met it, just like Melissa had taught me.

I buried my hands in the jacket pockets, humming as I tried to remember my way towards the stairs where Miss Iris had brought me up the day before.

I felt a folded note in the pocket and brought it out curiously once I had located the flight of stairs and began to make my way down. In a neat handwriting, almost calligraphic like compared to my messy scribbles, Alpha Hunter's words stopped me cold once I had reached the end of the stairs.

I'm sorry, but I had to leave for a meeting with Jace and some members of the committee. Gracie and Darla are in the kitchen downstairs and my mother and sister will be over at one. I'll be home by twelve.


I held the paper about an inch away from me in disbelief and alarm, rereading the words over and over again as though the contents might change.

I was going to meet his family. It had only been three days since I met him and I was going to meet his family!




Guyssssssss, an update!! Okay, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, picture above is what I imagine November to be wearing, and yes, in case you have a problem with it, drop this book because that's how I imagine November's size to be, she isn't a tall skinny model, she's a beautiful curvy small woman although she thinks otherwise. See you in the next chappie.
Saturday 16th January, 2016
~Toluwalani Sowemimo

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