Who Are You and Panic Attacks .4.

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I could hear him conversing with Melissa above me but I wasn't really paying them any attention. Instead, my mind was trying to reel around everything that had happened today. He had offered to carry me back to the Pack House after sensing my drowsiness. I declined at first but he had insisted so I let him. I however didn't realize how much it would mean to me being this close to him. Spending most of the day with him had been dream coming and although we hadn't said a lot, we had felt a lot. I didn't even understand how I had gotten tired so quickly however, being exposed to only his intoxicating scent and the rhythmic thump of his heartbeat, sleep had instantly left me but I kept my eyes remained shut. I didn't want him to drop me, he felt nice.

I was conscious of how heavy I was however, and felt a bit insecure that he might find me heavy but he didn't look like his knees might give out or like my weight bothered him in the slightest so I didn't ask him to drop me which I had been planning to do politely. I wondered what rank he was in at his Pack, he sure was strong.

"...yes, that would be lovely. Do you think you...?" I briefly heard him say.

It struck me again as odd and I wondered where he had gotten his dialect from. As far as I knew, nobody in our Kingdom spoke like that. He had a slight accent although I wasn't very well exposed so I couldn't even tell where it was from but I guessed it was British.

"No problem Alpha," I heard Melissa say. I stiffened, assuming Alpha Cade was in the room.

I pressed myself closer to my mate, my eyes firmly shut so Alpha Cade would think I was asleep. I was in no mood to speak with him and deal with his harsh remarks and snide comments. A few minutes later, possibly Alpha Cade had already left, their conversation was rounded up and I felt myself being slightly shifted in he whose name I do not knows arms before he began to ascend the stairs.

How he knew where my room was, I had no idea.

Before I knew it, he pushed the door of my bedroom open, entered the white walled room and kicked the door shut with his foot. He took long strides towards my bed and dropped me gently on top of my comforter before moving away. I backed him and buried my face into my pillow, feeling a slight discomfort from being away from his arms.

The silence in the room was deafening and the tension in the air was thin. I wanted to pretend like I was asleep so he would leave. It wasn't that I didn't want him here; I just didn't know what to say. I felt bad, I wish I could talk like other girls and just yapp away because at least they had something to say but I wasn't used to expressing my feeling or having small talk, maybe only once in a while with Melissa. Plus every now and then I stuttered and I hated the it.

It occurred to me then that I didn't know who this man was. I didn't even know his name. I was so preoccupied with the realization that I had a mate that I hadn't bothered to find out the little things. The only thing I knew about him was that he was from the Brown Haze Pack, and that he was extremely gorgeous, and he had beautiful eyes, and a single look from him made me melt, and his touch sent sparks through me, and-

"I know you're awake," he whispered softly, cutting through the tension in the air and breaking my chain of thoughts.

I turned slightly to face him, giving up my act and watched as his muscles flexed under his tight black V-neck shirt deliciously.

Get a grip of yourself November.

He stood by my dresser with his arms crossed, slightly leaning against my desk. His frame was tall and slightly intimidating.

"Who a-are you?" I asked him curiously, not meaning to be rude at all. A flicker of surprise crossed his face and for a moment, I feared that I had asked the wrong question. Being around men such as Alpha Cade and he whose name shall not be mentioned made me feel like if I did something wrong, I could get my throat ripped out.

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