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The next morning was the dullest morning I have ever gotten to experience. What had I been thinking, asking Taehyung to go for a walk?

I am not a great fan of walks and especially, not in the middle of winter. I rather go for a jog in a moment like that.

Yet, when he told me he wanted to go alone, I felt a part of me telling myself to not let him go. It was something inside me that screamed at me to not let him alone that moment.

Didn't think it would backfire like that.

I mean, I'm not saying that it bothers me so much. It's just a walk with my best friend.

It scared me how Taehyung was haunting my thoughts though. Even as I got out of bed and rummaged through my closet to fish some hoodie and sweatpants, since we will get designed clothes for the fan meeting anyways. Even as I brushed my teeth. Even when I showered.

Even when I went downstairs to grab breakfast, knowing he could be there too.

He wasn't. Everyone else was, though.

"Where's Taehyung?" The question slipped quicker out of me than I could think.

"Good morning to you too," Hoseok grumbled, before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I'm sorry, good morning you guys." I stepped into the kitchen, took a seat next to Namjoon hyung.

"Taehyung's still getting ready. He doesn't feel like breakfast today," Jimin explained. I nodded along and pretended it didn't bother me.

To think that Taehyung decided to skip breakfast, although we are on such a tight schedule with the fan meeting today did bother me though. And I internally cursed myself out for it.

Wordlessly, I poured myself a coffee.

"Are we expecting a lot of fans today?" Yoongi asked, directing his question to Namjoon. Most of the time, he is the one with the answers. The rest of us is either to forgetful or just didn't pay attention when our managers explain stuff.

I'm the second one.

"I think so. It's been a while since our last comeback," Namjoon responded.

"Can't wait to meet them." The smile Jimin's lips held was so obvious in his voice.

There's nothing more that I love than interactions with our fans. Not all of them, for sure, but everyone who stays respectful. It's not a lot to ask, but some fans, although I appreciate each and every one, do not seem to always understand it.

I tried to blend out any thoughts about Taehyung, trying to focus myself on preparing for the fan meeting.

Twenty minutes later, everyone got back to their rooms to do little touch ups. It was 7:28 and we are supposed to be outside in the vans at 7:30.

I grabbed my phone and jacket, put it on and sprinted downstairs just before it turned 7:29. Everyone was already there. Jin crossed his arms as he gave me a look.

I grinned. "I am still not too late."

"You are too late to get the center seats though, they're taken," he said and that hit me right in the gut. I can't expect my members to always think about me first when deciding stuff, but they all know how much I love the center seat.

He then went to one of the vans, while a manager send me to the other.

I halted just before I entered the van. Jimin and Yoongi sat in it, the younger in the center. I tried to swallow down the disappointment of not seeing a certain brunet and entered the van.

"Dude, you know that the center seat is mine," I grumbled as I put on my seating belt.

Jimin scoffed. "You little baby."

After that, it was just silent. Unusually silent. It's still too early in the morning for Yoongi, so him not talking is normal. But Jimin and I not talking at all on a car ride? Really unusual.

I stared out of the window by my side, watching all the monuments and people pass by.

"Are you okay, kook?" Jimin's voice ripped me out of my daze.

"Yeah why?" I don't know what's wrong with me.

"Cause you're so silent," he said. That is when I realized that the silence caused in the car had been because of me. I am the one that is acting strange. But, why?

"I just haven't slept well." Finally a true thing to say. After my encounter with Taehyung last night, I couldn't sleep right away, overthinking what is wrong with myself.

Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung. What the hell is wrong with me.

"You knew we have a fan meet, you should've gone to sleep earlier," Jimin scolded.

I sighed and turned back to stare out of the window the way I did before. "Thanks for that tip. I tried."

Jimin softly placed a hand on my thigh, that made me turn to look at him. I was surprised to see the genuine concern in his eyes, more than I was surprised that Yoongi next to him had fallen asleep. That's no surprise anyway.

"Is there something bothering you?" Jimin asked, cornering me with that look of worry.

Yes, yes there was something bothering me. Or someone. "No... why would something bother me?"

"Cause, again, you're so silent. You have been like this since a few days and everyone began to notice."

Wow. I have no answer to that. If everyone noticed I am behaving differently, than what about Taehyung? He must have noticed it too. "I'm good. Just a lot on my mind."

"You know you can talk about everything with me," Jimin smiled.

I knew. All of the other six would be there for me to listen if I had a problem or something is bothering me. And I am so grateful for that.

This is a situation I feel like I have to figure out on my own though. Whatever it is.

"Thank you a lot."

Once we arrived, we instantly got sent to the mask and let make-up artists do our make up. Sitting in front of one of these mirrors, I didn't pay attention the girl that was doing my hair at all.

Certainly not at all, when I looked to the mirror and saw a certain brunet stare back at me through it. With all his beauty and glory.

It was the first time seeing him after yesterday and I felt myself tense by the eye contact we held through the mirror. My mind went blank, as I felt sudden warmth and nervousness strive through my veins at the same time. I couldn't help wonder if he felt it too. Or if I was the only one that was dysfunctional. God, maybe I am just going through a phase again and I am imagining all of these stuff with Taehyung.

"Taehyung, your lips!" One of the make-up artists called out for him, being the only thing that could break our eyes apart from each other. Just when I averted my eyes back to my own reflection, I noticed how red I've become and how fast my heartbeat pumped in my ears.

Definitely no imagination.

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