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"SHUT UP, YOU'RE MAKING IT JUST WORSE LIKE THAT!" taehyung shouted at jimin, who was nervous as hell to marry yoongi.

he massaged his forehead. "okay, hyung just take a deep breath..."

"i-i can't breathe."


jimin gasped, taking a deep breath. "i'm nervous!"

"no shit sherlock."

taehyung was annoyed as hell, but he couldn't blame jimin. he still remembers his wedding with jungkook and how nervous he was there. damn.

but he really hadn't the nerves to take care of a whining jimin, since it was also in his duty to take care of jiyeon and jaemin, since jungkook, jin and namjoon had to take care of the wedding cake. hoseok was with yoongi.

"jimin, i know you're nervous, i was too, but everything'll be fine, right? it's yoongi, hello?! min yoongi. not any stranger."

jimin silenced for a moment, but them whined. "i will for sure stumble over my own feet."

it was now the point where taehyung just rolled his eyes and glared at him.

a small hand wrapped around taehyung's and jimin's. "appa, hyung, look at jiyeon!" jaemin laughed, dragging the two males with him.

with a smile, the 95' liner followed, but both gasped. "jiyeon! how do you look like!" taehyung laughed as he picked the girl up from the floor. red lipstick decorating her lips. and every other part of her face.

"pretty, like jin appa. worldwide handsome." she giggled and jimin had to laugh his ass off.

"i bet these were the first words jin taught her." taehyung laughed. "let's clean you up."

"JEON JAEMIN!" taehyung shouted when he found his son drawing with an eyeliner pencil on a table. "give me that."

jaemin looked at the eyeliner pencil and then back to his father. "nope." he jumped up and started running.

"wait for me. hyung, hold worldwide handsome junior, imma catch kook junior." taehyung said, handing jiyeon over to a startled jimin.
"pretty, oppa." she smiled at jimin, booping his nose.

taehyung was now running after jaemin, who was a giggling mess. "appa never catches me."

but in the exact moment, taehyung's hands grabbed the small boy's waist and he threw him up, catching him into his embrace.
"i caught you." he laughed and jaemin pouted.

"there are my favorite babies." they heard a too familiar voice say, making them both look to that direction. "DADDY!" jaemin squeaked, trying to wriggle out of taehyung's embrace, who let him down.

jungkook picked the small boy up, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. taehyung just smiled.

"jae was very mean today." he then laughed, walking over to them and pinching jaemin's cheek. jungkook's eyes were on his husband tho, looking at him with a fond smile. "you're beautiful taehyung."

taehyung looked at him and smiled. "you too."

"but appa is beautifuller than daddy. he said it himself." jaemin crossed his arms and taehyung looked back at jungkook.

"oh did he?" he raised one eyebrow and jungkook looked away with a shy smile.

"jae, help jimin hyung to clean jiyeon's face up."

"yayy, jiyeon!" he jumped out of jungkook's grip and ran with a smile.

the two left males looked at each other. "did you get the cake?" taehyung asked and jungkook nodded.

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