After a fan mentions the not so infamous ship-name 'Taekook' at a fan meeting, the oblivious youngest member of the band BTS, Jungkook, does some research and bumps into stuff that makes him question his relationship with his bandmate Taehyung and l...
i entered the room running, since i was a little late and i bowed in aplogy. my hyungs were understandable and smiled at me as i went over to stand next to taehyung and wrapped my arm around his waist.
everyone smirked at us and i looked at taehyung who was blushing and hiding his face on my shoulder. i turned again to the others who were still smiling and smirking at us.
"what? you better get used to this." i said and pulled taehyung a little closer, who just giggled and tried to push me away.
i smiled, feeling really happy that things are like they are now.
we started practicing and everything was all fine. we had a lot of fun practicing our older songs, bringing all memories into all our minds. the session was... how to describe it... happy? i mean everyone was happy and even mistakes were taken with fun and everyone was all giggly, yes even yoongi. i wish that it would forever be like that.
as the boys ended their practice taehyung and jungkook were on their way out, when namjoon stopped them.
"jungkook, taehyung, let's talk." he said and wrapped one arm around taehyung's shoulder and the other one around jungkook's. named boys shared one glance at each other before they followed their leader to his studio.
they all sat down, taehyung and jungkook suddenly feeling a little nervous, as namjoon didn't speak first.
"so , i guess we need to discuss some things," the oldest began, "nothing bad though, so atop looking so nervous." he chuckled, making the younger boy's nervousness vanish slightly.
"so, all i wanted to say was, that you have to be careful, this can't go public."
the couple nodded understanding. that's nothing new to them.
"and you know... we have to tell manager hyung about it and i think that might be a problem."
"we can just hide it from him." taehyung suggested with big doe-eyes and jungkook nodded, supporting his boyfriend's idea. how was something he didn't know going to be a problem?
li don't think that we can. i would do everything i could to hide it from him, but you know that it's my duty to tell him if something happens. and two members being in a relationship is something he needs to know. i'm sorry that i can't help you with this, but i'm afraid we need to tell him," namjoon felt so bad for doing this. he hated that part on his job, hated to disappoint his members.
taehyung and jungkook looked down. everyone in their dorm and in the staff knew how strict their manager can be. namjoon often talked with Bang PD about their manager being too strict on them, but bighit refused to change their manager, since he's one of the most trustworthy men in the company.
finding a new, fitting managed for a popular group like BTS is really hard and takes a lot of time and bighit is for the time now a little busy with TXT and other stuff, like new auditions.
anxiety formed inside of the two youngest members' hearts, as they drew out every possible reaction their manager could give to that. they quickly realized that the chance for a positive reaction was really low.
but whatever happens, jungkook and taehyung will hold together.
and bts will hold to them, no matter what.
"so when do you think we can talk to him and tell him everything?" jungkook said with a gulp. taehyung stroke his thigh to calm him down a little.
"i'll send him a text message first, telling him you two need to discuss something important." namjoon suggested.
lc-can't you come with us, when we tell him?" taehyung asked their leader with a shaky voice.
namjoon smiled. he doesn't always show it, but he really likes when he's needed. he is proud of himself, knowing that the members need his support and love. looking at taehyung and jungkook who watch him with big doe-eyes makes him happy.
"isn't it better if you two talk alone to him? it's something where i'm not involved." namjoon said, smiling softly.
but taehyung and jungkook pouted, crossing their arms in sinc.
"please, hyung. we are shy, we need you, you know better than us how to use words without sounding annoying. we need you, just in case he won't accept us, you need to convince him with your big brain that we sadly don't have." jungkook said, earning a light slap from taehyung on the back of his head.
taehyung gave jungkook a stern look for sounding so stupid.
namjoon chuckled before ruffling jungkook's hair, "fina, if you need my big brain so much." he rolled his eyes.
taehyung and jungkook jumped up like little kids and hugged their leader tightly, before leaving the room together.
namjoon sighed with a smile as he sat down on his table and took out his phone, to arrange a meeting with their manager.
once he did that, he leaned back with a deep sigh.
"these kids," he shook his head.
author sorry for the short chapter :))
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^they tryna kill us, i see