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hand in hand, the two maknaes left the dorm in the middle of the night, getting greeted by the cold night wind as they stepped out.

taehyung was all smily, swinging his and jungkook's arms together. he wa shappy to be with jungkook.

jungkook was also smiling along with the older, chuckling at his adorable behavior.

they approached a field where they sat down at a bench, a bench jungkook used to always go whenever he felt stressed, the same bench he also took yeontan to.

as they sat down taehyung leaned his head against jungkook's shoulder, fiddling with his own hand. he eyed the ring he was wearing and smiled brightly. jungkook's and his matching rings.

jungkook just looked forward, enjoying the refreshing breeze and the warmth that's coming from taehyung.

taehyung looked up at jungkook, admiring his beautiful lover.
"i love this, kookie."

jungkook looked down. "what, baby?"

taehyung smiled lightly as he jumped up. "i feel so free with this view." he gestured to the corn field. he then made a pirouette, laughing when the wind brushed through his hair. "jungkookie, i feel so free!" he said, smiling and giggling.

jungkook eyed taehyung in adoration, being completely lost in the older. the way taehyung talked so cute, the way he moved so cute, the way he looks so cute, jungkook's heart warmed so much. his face softened and he now realized how damn lucky he is to have taehyung. taehyung is everything to him.

taehyung then turned to jungkook, his smile not leaving his lips. he ran over to him and playfully hid his shoulder, bringing the younger back to reality. "catch me if you can!" he said and ran to the field.

jungkook laughed as he ran after the giggling boy. "wait baby, i'll get you!"

"ha, is this all you get, kookie? i bet jin hyung is even faster!" taehyung teased, giggling after.

but he got no answer. he looked back, but couldn't see jungkook anywhere. he stopped, and made a 360° turn, but jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

from one on the other moment taehyung felt anxious. "jungkook this isn't funny!" he said his voice trembling.

"k-kookie." he said now quieter. he slowly started to take steps forward, back to the bench, his hands were trembling and jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

he was about to leave the field, when he got hugged from behind. "AHHH!" he screamed in shock.

"i got you!" jungkook laughed and taehyung's breathing hitched. he needed some time to calm down from the adrenaline that just shoot through him.

he turned to jungkook, eyes teary as he hit his chest lightly. "yah, don't do this again. you scared me."

jungkook widened his eyes when he saw taehyung's face and immediately tightened his grip around the trembling boy. "tae, i'm sorry, i didn't meant to scare you so much."

"it's-s okay now." taehyung pressed his cheek against jungkook's warm chest, closing his eyes as he did so.

"baby, are you cold?" jungkook asked, as he felt taehyung trembling in his arms. "a little." he answered.

jungkook pulled back, put off his scarf and wrapped it over taehyung's other scarf. he giggled by the cute view in front of him, as the scarf almost hid taehyung's complete head.

taehyung hit jungkook's chest. "stop laughing, idiot." he said and pouted. jungkook chuckled. "you look like a small, cute winter bear, tae."

taehyung blushed lightly, but tried to not look impressed by jungkook's words. "whatever." he said turning away and crossing his arms.

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