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i was crying. crying, but out of happiness. i felt relieved when i clung onto jungkook, crying onto his chest, just letting everything out.

feeling his warmth and the of our hyungs, it was an indescribable feeling.

finally everyone knew, the hole in our hearts finally creeped close. it was filled. filled with something that replaces all the worries from earlier. something that is called freedom.

i felt how jungkook held me on my shoulders as he slowly stood up, helping me too. standing up, we remained hugging each other, my head still resting on jungkook's chest as he started talking again.

"i know, it's really sudden, but we never got the freedom to share our feelings with the world. i love taehyung a-and i can't believe, that this is true. he truly showed me another side of me and i'm thankful to him and everything he does to me."

i looked up at him and he smiled, which left me to smile back with a choked out sob. i slowly made small grabby hands for the microphone and kookie passed it to my trembling hand.

i lifted my shaking arms until the microphone was in the perfect height for me to talk. yet i only let another choked out sob out and the audience started awing and cooing at me.

i slowly lifted my head, as i finally also got the strength to speak again.

"th-thank you for m-making everything come true for us... please a-accept us the way we are and don't think differently from us now. a-as jungkookie already said... we're still us. you just found out more about our feelings."

i felt jungkook's hold tightening around my waist, which made me feel more secure. i wiped my tears away and smiled to the audience, as i fixed my posture to a more confident one.

"i can't believe i can finally say it..." i started. don't know where this feelings of happiness and confidence came from, but it felt good to do what i did.

"I LOVE JEON JUNGKOOK!" i shouted, eyes closed tightly, but smile not leaving my lips. the last tears were dripping down my cheek.

it was quiet for a moment, but with one eye blink, everyone started cheering, clapping and girls were freaking out.

i turned around and happily jumped into jungkook's arms, who immediately hugged me back. "i love you, love you, love you." i repeatedly whispered into his ears.

"i love you more." he whispered back, tightening the hug.

the cheering hasn't stop.
"isn't that the moment for a kiss?!" yoongi asked the audience as he took the microphone.

my eyes widened and i lightly slapped his shoulder.

"kiss! kiss! kiss!"
jimin then started and i turned to him with a "r u serious?" look. he smirked.

the audience started too. "kiss. kiss! kiss! ..."

it was overwhelming and i was surprised for sure. i turned to jungkook, who softly smiled at me. i giggled as i ran back into his arms and smashed my lips against his. the feeling of euphoria shooting through my body and probably also through his.

it was perfect. the audience was sweet, but i know we'll still get hate for this, but i don't care. i can call jungkook mine. only mine.



all seven were gathered in their dorm's living room. the whole ride back no one was really talking. they were too overwhelmed.

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