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Abigail had been conceived only days after her father broke the curse on his werewolf side. Her mother gave birth to her towards the end of two thousand ten, October second to be exact. Abigail had been born early, but she was still as healthy and happy as any other baby. Her mother was a werewolf, and her father was a hybrid, but Abigail, she was destined to be a tribrid.

When Abigail had barely turned two, her mother died. Well, she was murdered by a rival pack, and the poor child was alone. Abigail's aunt, a member of her mother's pack, contacted Elijah Mikaelson. Elijah was the first to meet Abigail, and the moment he did, he knew she was the daughter of his brother Klaus. She was practically a mirror image of him when he was a child, except she was a girl.

The one thing that made her stand out the most was her platinum blonde hair. Nobody knew where the platinum blonde hair came from, but she was still beautiful nonetheless. She had even become her father's shadow for a bit, until she decided she'd rather be a big sister.

When Elijah had brought her home, Klaus was very skeptical, but he felt a connection to her. He wouldn't admit it, but he liked having his little shadow following him around. She was the one person who'd love him no matter what he did, maybe more than his other daughter. He loved her though, and he wouldn't give her up for anything.

Hayley, the mother of Hope, felt horrible for Abigail. She knew the poor girl was confused and hurt by the passing of her mother. So, with that in mind, Hayley became the mother Abigail needed. Abigail would never call her "Mom," but Hayley and Abigail both knew she loved the woman as though she was her mother.

Anyhow, out of all her aunts and uncles, her favorites were Freya and Kol-once he was back from the dead. Freya helped her with magic, and Kol seemed to understand her need for a bit of mischief and terror. Even after she had accidentally triggered her curse because of Kol, he still seemed to be her favorite.

The day she had triggered her curse, she had cried for hours. She believed that her father would hate her. She didn't expect him to understand or forgive her, but he did, and she couldn't be more thankful for it. He understood more than she ever knew, but at the same time, after she triggered her curse, the two began to butt heads sometimes.

Klaus was there the night Abigail turned into her wolf for the first time. Her wolf, much like herself, was platinum in color, but unlike her, the wolf had black on her tail that looked as though she dipped her tail in black hair dye. She was a beautiful wolf, and Klaus was glad that he had been there to witness it and help her through her transition.

As she got closer to eighteen years old, Abigail became a bit more mischievous and reckless. It wasn't really a surprise, considering who her family was, and what she had been through in her life. She had also began to help her father in some of his torture and revenge plots against their enemies. The two continued to butt heads at times, but they still loved each other, and would fight for each other against anyone that stood in their way.

Throughout her time growing up, Abigail hung out with Hope a lot. She was a great big sister. Hope loved Abigail more than anyone in the world, and looked up to her as if she made the world turn every day. Abigail was practically Hope's hero and best friend. Abigail only ever taught Hope good things, and she never brought her into her mischief or things of that nature.

When Abigail would fight with someone in the family, Hope would defend her. Hope believed that Abigail could do no wrong, and the same was thought about Hope when anyone asked Abigail. They were the ideal pair of sisters, and anyone with a sister could envy their relationship. Klaus and Hayley were proud of their girls, and they couldn't ask for any better.

For the first few months of Hope's life, Abigail wasn't really able to spend time with her. Hope was in hiding, but things changed, and the moment they met, they were practically inseparable. After getting a little sister, Abigail refused to leave her sister's side, especially when it came to dangerous situations. Abigail was always there for Hope, even when it was dangerous for her to be there.

Abigail was a Mikaelson through and through. Anyone could see it the moment they met the girl, but being a Mikaelson meant a lot of drama and enemies. Abigail refused to let any of that get in her way of being able to live a good life. She was going to do what she needed to do to survive, and protect who she loved over anything else in her life. She just hadn't expected everything that came with the life that she was trying to live...

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