Chapter Forty (Epilogue)

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"Go on a date with me

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"Go on a date with me." Eric said, as he entered their bedroom.

"That's forward," Abigail commented,"What if I had plans?" She questioned, making the man chuckle.

"Yeah, like you have plans." He retorted, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Fine," Abigail sighed,"I'll go on a date with you, but next time, don't think I'm always free." She said, and her boyfriend smirked.

Abigail used her vampire speed to go to her closet, and she grabbed an outfit to wear for the date. She didn't know what exactly he wanted her to wear, but she knew she needed to look nice but not too nice. Once she was dressed, she used her mirror to style her hair and put on a little makeup.

"You wanna tell me where we're going?" Abigail asked, but Eric shook his head with a cheeky smile.

"I can't tell you specifics, sorry. I've got it all planned out though." He replied, and she rolled her eyes playfully.

Eric followed Abigail down the stairs, and without her seeing, he and Klaus shared a look. Klaus gave him a slight smirk, which was the closest thing to a smile he was going to get. Klaus wasn't known for sharing his emotions with everyone, unless it was anger or disappointment.

Once they were outside the compound, Eric grasped Abigail's hand and lead her through the French Quarter. When he got to the firehouse, Abigail looked at him with wide eyes. She wasn't expecting to meet his friends.

"Abigail," Eric walked her over to his team,"this is my firehouse team. This is Captain Darren Everret, this is Amy Ravens, this is Winnie Moore, this is Missy Travers, and this is my best friend, Matt Emerson." He introduced, and they all greeted her with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Abby. Eric told us all about you," Matt said,"At this point, you'd think we knew you forever."

"Eric talked about you guys a lot, too. He's always got the best stories." She replied, making his friends laugh.

"Did Eric tell you that I'm cooking, and you're here to eat with all of us?" Captain Darren asked, causing Abigail to shake her head.

"No, he never said anything." She answered, making Eric smile sheepishly.

"Well, you are," Missy said,"So, let's fix you a drink."

Missy grabbed Abigail's hand and pulled her towards the counter that held all the drinks. Abigail looked at all the drinks, and she decided on the sweet tea. She had drank sweet tea a few times, and she wasn't the biggest fan of all sodas.

Abigail sat around with the team and got to know them a bit more. Eric told her quite a bit, but finding out more from them was a lot of fun. Abigail enjoyed having a good time with people that didn't consist of training or eating people.

"Time to eat!" Captain Darren exclaimed, and everyone was up and around the table in minutes.

Abigail sat between Eric and Amy, as she ate the food the Captain made. She wasn't really surprised when she tasted the food and it was good, she heard that most firefighters knew how to cook real well. She wished she could cook like them.

After eating a lot of food, Missy brought out some cupcakes and brownies. Abigail wasn't really surprised, considering Eric told her how amazing Missy's desserts were. She was really excited about trying the desserts Missy made for everyone.

"Abby," Missy began,"I made these cupcakes as a celebration." She said, making the girl look at her confused.

"Celebration for what?" She asked, and Missy pointed to Abigail's side.

Abigail looked over, and she gasped when she seen Eric on one knee, with a small box in his hands.

"Abigail Mikaelson, you made me one of the happiest men in the world. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably never have been happy again. After everything you did for Jack, you still are taking time out of your day to find my niece and bring her home to us," Eric opened the small box,"I want to enjoy the little family we have. I love Jack like my own, and I love you. So, Abigail Mikaelson, will you marry me?"

"Yes." Abigail answered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Everyone cheered, as Eric slipped the ring on to her finger and stood her up to bring her in for a kiss. Once everything calmed down, Abigail happily took a cupcake. Sue was so happy in that moment, and she knew her life was looking up from there.

"We should get back at tell your family." Eric said, and Abigail nodded.

"Nice meeting you all," Abigail stated,"I hope to see you guys again soon."

Eric grasped her hand and they headed back to the compound. Once they got inside, Abigail was surprised to see everyone waiting in the main room by the entrance. They had a look of hope and excitement on their faces.

"She said yes!" Eric exclaimed, and again cheers were heard, this time in the compound.

Everyone was quick to come over and congratulate the newly engaged couple. The happiness in that moment was unimaginable. Abigail hadn't even expected her family to be so excited for something like this in their lives. She truly believed their happiness had been more than she could ever imagine.

It had only been a week since she defeated Lucifer, and she was still feeling pretty good about it. Her son was safe, her family was safe, and she was newly engaged. She was finally getting the life she always dreamed about, but she never outwardly said anything. She was always scared to say anything, but now she wasn't.

She had the happy life. She had the new fiancé, she had the son, she had her father, her step-mother, her brothers, and her sister. She had aunts and uncles who cared about her. Honestly, she had the life everyone, including herself, had always wished for, and in this moment, she knew she'd always have it...

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