Chapter Twenty Five

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"Klaus! Klaus!" Marcel yelled, as he ran into the Mikaelson compound.

"What is with all this yelling?" Klaus questioned, a scowl stuck on his face.

"I seen her." Marcel said, causing Klaus to raise an eyebrow.

"Saw who exactly?" Klaus asked, as he put his hands behind his back, a stance a lot of people recognize when around the hybrid.

"Abigail. I saw Abigail." Marcel stated, making Klaus grown.

"There's no chance," Klaus retorted,"We have looked everywhere. We've talked to dozen of witches. We've had hybrids and vampires alike running amuck around the entire country to look for her," He shook his head,"You're lying."

"I'm not," Marcel argued,"She's in New Orleans," He ran his hand along his face with an exasperated sigh,"Look, I seen her, and I'm not lying. She's here. She's right under our noses, and at this point, I don't know how long she's been here."

"Well, than get a move on. Find her." Klaus retorted, making Marcel scowl.

"I get it, okay, we hate each other, but this is Abigail. It's going to take more than just me and a few vampires." Marcel said, causing Klaus to groan.

"Than I guess we need to talk to Freya." Klaus replied, and Marcel nodded.

Marcel and Klaus headed to Freya, and the woman was confused to see the two together. She was especially confused when it seemed they were working together.

"We need you to do a locator spell to find Abigail." Klaus said, making the woman furrow her eyebrows.

"We've tried that already, Klaus. Hope and I even tried doing together, and we didn't find her." Freya replied, as she shook her head with disbelief.

"Well try again." Klaus argued, but Marcel quickly stepped in.

"I seen her. It wasn't even an hour ago. She was in a store, but I didn't think it was her at first. When she looked at me, I knew she was Abigail. She was gone before I could talk to her, and when I went out to find her, she wasn't there. I searched around the area, but I had no idea what she was driving. All I know is, she was with a guy that I'd never seen before." Marcel explained, and Freya sighed.

"Fine," Freya threw her hands up in frustration,"but I need Davina and Kol. Hopefully with their help, I can find her." She answered, causing the guys to nod.

Klaus called Kol, telling him everything Marcel had told him. It didn't take long for Kol and Davina to get back to the compound. They were there as soon as they could be, because they wanted to find her as bad as everyone else did.

"Are you one hundred percent sure that you seen her in New Orleans, more importantly, in the French Quarter?" Kol asked, and Marcel nodded.

"I seen her, Kol, I swear it. I promise, this isn't some trick to get your family in trouble," Marcel shook his head,"Look, Abby is my sister, just as Hope. Believe it or not, I love her, and I will do anything for her, as I would do for Hope. So, please believe me when I tell you that I seen her." Marcel practically pleaded, and Kol believed him.

Kol, Davina, and Freya worked together to try and locate Abigail, after getting Klaus to put blood on the map. They could feel her fighting them, but there was an issue. It was as though she was hiding more than just herself, and nobody knew who or what she was hiding. After almost an hour, the barrier broke, and the group watched as Klaus's blood slowly traveled across the map.

"She's there," Freya said,"and unless she moves within the next hour, she'll still be there when you get there."

"We have to get moving," Marcel voiced,"We can't lose her."

"We won't," Kol replied,"We just need to get everyone else here to go get her."

As fast as they could, Klaus, Kol, Freya, and Davina contacted people that needed to be there. Klaus called Hayley, Kol called Elijah, Freya called Rebekah, and Davina called Mr. Saltsman. Mr. Saltsman was quick to get Hope, and once Hope knew the truth, she was on the way home to find her sister.

"Hope will arrive too late. Hayley will be meeting her at a halfway point to bring her here," Klaus informed,"Rebekah and Elijah will be here in less than ten minutes. We'll leave as soon as they're here."

Klaus didn't know how to feel. He was finally going to see Abigail after she disappeared with no explanation. He didn't know how he was going to react when he seen her. For all he knew, he would simply hug her and tell her how much he missed her. He knew himself though, at least a little bit, and there was a chance that he'd yell at her, and possibly make a scene.

"Do you know what you'll say to her?" Davina asked, looking around at the Mikaelson family.

"I think I want to know why she left, or maybe where she went." Kol said, and the woman nodded.

"I'd like to know where the hell she got such a crazy idea." Klaus grumbled, making the others frown.

"Don't freak out on her, Klaus. If you're not careful, she'll run again, except this time she might run further and faster than ever." Freya scolded, and Klaus simply frowned.

He was angry at the whole ordeal, and he doubted he'd get over it easily. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now. He had a feeling his daughter had a good reason that she lied and disappeared, but he wasn't ready to hear her reason. He knew he needed it though, otherwise it would always nag at him. He just wasn't sure how to handle this situation, and he knew how well his emotions would handle it...

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