Chapter Twenty Two

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A couple of days later, the Winchester brothers came to stay with Abigail and Jack for a bit

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A couple of days later, the Winchester brothers came to stay with Abigail and Jack for a bit. They'd only ever stay a day or two, maybe three if they really had the chance. The two brothers hadn't seen Abigail and Jack for a bit, and they missed them, even if Dean didn't want to admit it.

Dean was the one to call Abigail and tell her that they were coming, just to make sure she had a bed ready. Abigail still allowed Dean to stay in her room with her, since she didn't see a problem with it. He was like a brother to her, and technically she wasn't in a relationship. She and Eric may like each other, but they weren't together.

Abigail still kept the date a secret, even though she really didn't have much to hide. She could tell Sam if she really wanted to, since he wasn't horrible at keeping secrets. If she was lucky, he'd keep everything a secret, and she'd be able to finally tell someone about Eric and how she liked him. This was not something normal for her, and she really felt like she needed advice or someone who knew what she was going through.

Jack was excited to see Sam and Dean. He didn't have an evil bone in his body, so nobody could really tell that he was the son of Lucifer, or that his mother was one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Jack didn't know how to be evil, which was something Dean was slowly realizing. Jack loved the brothers, and though Dean was apprehensive, the man couldn't really deny that he cared for the boy.

Since she knew Dean and Sam were coming, Abigail woke up a bit early to start working on pie and such for them. Sam was still sticking with the salads and healthy foods, but Dean ate more regular food that didn't taste like grass and dirt. Abigail had made two pies for Dean, one cherry and one apple. Jack was excited to eat pie with Dean, it was something he got to do only a day after he was born, and it was something he wanted to always do with Dean.

Abigail planned to make cheeseburgers, homemade fries, and salad. She hoped that Sam would be willing to take a break on his diet for a day, but she wasn't too sure. She made sure to pick up a turkey wrap just incase he refused to eat a burger and fries with his salad. She wouldn't hate him if he decided to stick to his diet, since she often stuck to her own.

When Sam and Dean arrived, Dean came inside of the house first. He smelled the pie, and his mouth practically started to water. The smell was delicious, and he didn't want to wait for pie. He didn't care if it was only ten in the morning, he'd eat pie for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if he could, and that'd include the snack breaks in-between meals as well.

"I sure hope you saved some of that pie for me." He commented, causing her to laugh.

"You know I made them for you," She replied,"Besides, Jack wouldn't let me have any until you and him ate some together first."

"That's my boy." He jokingly cheered, making Abigail roll her eyes at him.

"He in his room?" Sam asked, and Abigail nodded.

"He's watching cartoons," She answered,"but you can bring him in here. As soon as he eats a cereal bar, he can have some pie with Dean."

Sam headed towards Jack's room, as Dean set his bag on the floor near the table. He went to the cupboard and pulled out the cereal bars. Abigail had a variety of them, since she also ate them for breakfast some mornings. Dean grabbed himself one, which he didn't really want, but he figured Jack would be mad if he ate pie without eating breakfast first.

Moments later, Jack came running into the room. He quickly spotted Dean, and wrapped his arms around the man's leg. He looked up at him with a grin, causing Dean to chuckle and smile down at him.

"Hey, Jack," Dean greeted, as he picked Jack up from the floor and placed him on the counter,"Which flavor do you want?" He asked, pointing to the boxes.

"Apple." Jack replied, and Dean nodded.

Dean grabbed an apple cereal bar, before throwing a mixed berry one to Sam. He put the boxes away, before opening the cereal bar for Jack. The three ate cereal bars, as Abigail worked on a peanut butter pie that she had been wanting for a couple of days. She absolutely loved peanut butter pie, but she didn't make it often, since she didn't want herself or Jack constantly eating food that wasn't too good for them.

"Pie?" Jack asked, once he finished his cereal bar, causing Dean to laugh.

"Cherry or apple?" Dean asked, as he turned and grabbed plates from the stack near the sink that Abigail had set out for them.

"Apple." Jack answered, after taking a moment to think.

Dean grabbed cherry for himself and apple for Jack. The two boys ate pie at the counter, both sighing with happiness as they placed their first bite of pie in their mouths. Abigail laughed at their reactions, as she and Sam cleaned up the mess she had made. Rather Dean seen it or not, he and Jack were a lot alike. He was definitely a very good uncle for Jack.

Abigail was glad that Dean and Sam had told hurt her and Jack like they had planned to in the beginning. The became family for the mother and son, and Abigail would never want to lose them. She wondered what her family would do if they found out she was close to two of the most notorious hunters in the supernatural world. She hoped that her family wouldn't try to kill them, since they weren't as bad as everyone believed...

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