Chapter Twenty Nine

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Time had passed, but eventually Abigail had decided that she would move into the compound

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Time had passed, but eventually Abigail had decided that she would move into the compound. She didn't want to force her son to leave the home he loved, but she realized that her family was right, they'd be safer at the compound. More people would be there at all times to watch over Jack, incase anything ever happened to Abigail.

She kept ownership of the house she and her son left, so Sam and Dean would have a place to stay whenever they were in New Orleans. She knew they'd never want to stay at the compound, considering they'd be the only humans, not to mention, they were also hunters. Hunters in a compound full of supernatural creatures was not something that seemed very safe.

With her living in the compound, she wasn't able to see Eric as often. Her family still didn't actually know him, they just knew what little Abigail told them about him. She never gave a full name, workplace, or place where he lived. She didn't want them badgering him, and if she knew her father and quite a few of the rest of her family, Eric could end up dead because of them.

Abigail wanted to keep Eric safe, mostly because he was simply a human. She wanted to protect him, since she knew he couldn't protect himself. She almost considered asking Sam and Dean to train him in some of their things, but again, she didn't want to get him too entangled. He didn't know any of the things going on in the dark, and she really wanted to keep it that way.

She wanted to tell him the truth, or at least the truth about herself, but she knew it wasn't safe. The new information could put Eric in danger, and she didn't want to do that. She also didn't know how Eric would react to the fact that she wasn't human, or that there was more than just suspected witches, ghosts, and little things like that. For all she knew, Eric would freak out and be absolutely terrified of her and everyone else that she cared for.

There were so many things she needed to consider about her life and everyone she had in it. She wanted to protect so many people in her life, but she knew one day she wouldn't be able to. One day there'd be something or someone that would be able to take everything away from her. She needed to pick and choose what she really cared about, and who she could really save when it came to the people she truly cared about.

Abigail sat out on her balcony, while most of her family was out, and her father spent time with Jack. She had a glass of blood in her hand, as she tried to figure out what she was doing with her life. Everything seemed so calm, other than the secrets she was keeping from her family about Eric and their relationship. She hadn't ran into any real trouble, considering so many people told her that the world of supernatural creatures would be after her and her son.

As she was sitting there sipping the blood in her glass, she heard something next to her. She quickly looked over, and she was surprised to see someone beside her. She could normally sense anyone or anything that approached her, but somehow this person had skipped right through her senses.

"Who are you?" She questioned, as she stood up and placed down her glass of blood.

"I'm God, but you can call me Chuck." He said, making her scowl.

"Chuck?" She scoffed,"Are you screwing with me right now?"

"No, Abigail, I am not. I mean, you can believe what you want, but you probably want to listen to me for a minute." He retorted, making her roll her eyes.

"Yeah? About what?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Your son," He started, making her growl,"I'm not going to do anything, don't worry, I don't really care. I'm here to tell you that Lucifer is after his angel grace. So, you need to get some protection for him, otherwise, Lucifer will get his grace, and he'll be unstoppable. Believe me, that's not something you want."

"Why don't you just take out Lucifer?" She questioned,"I mean, he is your son." She added, and Chuck sighed.

"Like you, I love my son," He replied, before a chuckle left his lips,"Well, no, truth be told, I've given up on earth and the human race. All these people on this planet are a disappointment, but you, your family, has potential. If you, your family, and the Winchesters keep yourselves alive, and keep Lucifer from getting Jack's grace, then you might get rewarded, maybe something to do with your boyfriend, Eric. That is something I don't understand, but I'll ignore it. So, are you going to win, or are you going to be as disappointing as the rest of the people on your planet?"

"Can I ask you a question?" He nodded,"Why don't you give a shit about earth anymore?"

"There's nothing left for me here," He replied,"So why spend my time healing people and helping the people who won't help themselves, when there's no reason to do so. Abigail, you'll see soon just how disappointing this world is, believe me. You'll live forever, and you'll see, and I won't be there to say I told you so."

"How will you know if we win?" She asked, and he chuckled.

"Because the world will go dark when you lose." He answered, before he disappeared in front of her eyes.

"Chuck? Chuck?!" She called, but he didn't return.

What he said scared her. She needed to protect Jack. Everything and everyone else didn't matter when it came to protecting her child. She hoped that Eric would be safe, but if it came down to it, she'd let him die for Jack. Jack was her everything, and she had to save him from his father...

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