Chapter Twenty Seven

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"You must be mistaken," Davina murmured,"There's no way your son is the child of the devil. He's pure evil, and I'm not even sure if he's actually real. I--" She was cut off by Abigail.

"It's very real," Abigail sighed,"I didn't believe it at first either, but when Lucifer showed up, I knew. He had red eyes, and he had more power than anyone I've ever encountered. I was stronger though, luckily, otherwise he would've taken Jack." She said, making her family frown.

"Why didn't you come home?" Rebekah asked,"We could protect you." She added, causing Abigail to frown.

"I told you already, I didn't want to put you all in danger." Abigail retorted, and Rebekah rolled her eyes.

The small group spoke to one another for a while, but after a couple hours, a knock was heard at the front door. Klaus was quick to stand up and answer the door, since he knew it was Hayley and Hope. The moment Hope entered the house and seen her sister, she ran to the girl, and wrapped her arms around her. Hope could feel the power practically coming from Abigail in waves, but she could feel more power coming from the little boy close to her.

"Who's this?" Hope asked, as she squatted down to Jack's size.

"This is Jack," Abigail smiled,"my son." She said, causing Hope's eyes to widen.

"Your son?!" Hayley exclaimed,"How could y--Oh God, that's why you left. I should've known. I should've been able to sense it." She almost cried, making the girl frown.

"I'm sorry, I know I should've told you, but I just couldn't," Abigail replied,"I really was just trying to protect everyone."

"Well, there's no need for that now," Kol smiled,"We're here, and we can protect ourselves and you two as a family." He stated, and the girl smiled lightly.

"I don't want to put you guys in a position where something could happen because of us." Abigail murmured, but none of her family was having it.

"Abby," Marcel grabbed her attention,"I may fight with Klaus, but you are still my little sister, and I will protect you." He said, giving her one of his famous smiles.

"How could you still care, after I lied about all of this; kept secrets from you all." She practically whispered, and Hayley frowned.

"I love you like you're my own daughter, Abigail, and even if I'm disappointed in something you've done, I will still love you like I always have." Hayley replied, grabbing the girl's hand and squeezing it for a moment.

Marcel looked over at Hope.

"Are you mad at her?" He asked,"You look angry." He added, but the girl shook her head.

"No, only a little disappointed," Hope sighed,"but she is my best friend, my sister, and I will always stand by her." She said, which caused Abigail's heart to flutter.

"We should move you two to the compound. It's a lot safer there, and we can protect you better there." Freya commented, but Abigail shook her head.

"No, I don't want to make Jack move. He's happy here, and I am, too. We really like it here, and--" Marcel cut her off.

"You're in love with the guy I seen you with earlier, aren't you?" He questioned,"You think we will keep you away from him."

"Which we will." Kol muttered, making Abigail roll her eyes, along with Hayley, Hope, Davina, and Freya.

"I get it, believe me, but we just wanna protect you guys. You're our family, and we protect our own." Hayley said, making the girl sigh.

"Give me time to think about it." Abigail murmured, and Hayley simply nodded.

Eventually, everyone left, other than Klaus, Hope, and Hayley. Hope and Hayley wanted to spend time with Jack, but Klaus wanted more time with his daughter. He wanted time with her, considering he hadn't seen her in months. He had missed her immensely, and that wasn't something that would just go away after seeing her for a couple hours.

"So, tell me about this boy Marcel seen you with, that he believes you're in love." Klaus commented, making the girl blush slightly. 

"He's a firefighter. He's really good at what he does, and he's very caring and hardworking. He's so good with Jack; treats him like his own." She said, and Klaus watched her face light up as she talked about the guy she was smitten with.

"I would like to meet him." Klaus replied, but Abigail was very nervous about that idea.

"I'll see if I can set something up." She answered, though she wasn't sure if she meant it or not.

"I do hope that you will," Klaus sighed quietly,"Are you really thinking of staying here instead of coming to the compound?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"Jack and I like it here," She replied,"Besides, I doubt you want us to burden your plans of world domination. I don't want you to feel obligated to protect us because I'm your daughter."

"You would never burden a plan that needs your brain to outsmart my enemies," He smirked,"and Abigail," He grabbed her hand to get her complete attention,"I will protect him with my life. Though he is the son of the devil himself, he is still my grandson. And as weird as that is for me to say, he is my family, and I will not let anything happen to him." He said, and a tear fell from her eye.

She had been so worried that her family would hate Jack, but they didn't. She watched as Jack ran over to Klaus to show him his favorite book, and a smile made its way on Klaus's face. Klaus had a look of admiration and adoration on his face as Jack talked to him. Abigail was definitely glad she had this family, and even though they were dysfunctional, they were still a family Abigail wouldn't trade for anything in the world...

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