Chapter Twelve

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The very next day, Abigail woke up feeling tired. She was not ready to use all the magic she needed to get her brother to go home, but also to hide herself from all the witches. She had to do it though, she promised the Winchesters she would. She just hoped that she wouldn't hurt herself or her baby with what she was going to do.

After getting dressed, Abigail headed downstairs to start her magic preparations. She had gotten Sam to collect the things she needed the night before. As soon as she went downstairs, she seen Dean and Sam waiting on her. They had gotten Castiel to leave, otherwise he would've stopped her before she could even try.

"Are you ready?" Sam asked, making the girl sigh.

"As ready as I'll ever be." She answered, and the boys nodded.

She arranged the things as she needed them, before she began to the incantation. She repeated it over and over again, as the room began to shake slightly. Her head was becoming foggy, and her body felt heavy. She kept on with her pace though, even as she began to feel like she was going to pass out.

"Stop!" Sam exclaimed, grabbing her shoulders.

"What?" She asked, wondering why he stopped her.

"I think you did it," Sam said,"and even if you haven't, you can't keep going. Your eyes and nose are bleeding."

She brought her fingers up to her face, and felt the liquid on her cheeks. When she pulled her fingers back so she could see, her fingers were painted red with her blood. She stumbled back, and Sam quickly caught her. He managed to get her sat down, before her eyes closed and her head lulled back.

"I think she passed out." Dean commented, and Sam gave him a 'really?' look.

As she was waking up, Dean noticed blood pooling on her white dress. His eyes widened, when he realized that there was something wrong with her. There was something wrong with her and the baby, and that scared Dean.

"Mom! Cas!" He yelled, hoping Castiel would hear him and appear.

Mary came running down the steps, and she quickly was at Abigail's side. Abigail was slowly starting to feel an intense amount of pain.

"Sam, help me get her up to her room," Mary said,"Dean, get towels, scissors, water, and gloves."

Mary and Sam worked as fast as they could to get her up the stairs and to her room. Dean collected everything Mary asked for, before he rushed up to the room as well. He placed everything in Mary's reach, before he and Sam went back downstairs to clean up.

"Where is she?" Castiel questioned, when he appeared in the bunker.

"She's with Mom." Dean replied, and Castiel seemed to know what that meant.

"Get ready for a fight," Castiel stated,"The birth of the Nephilim will send waves of energy that alert people of where we are."

Meanwhile, Abigail was laying in the bed, trying to breath normally as the pain rushed through her body.

"I think you need to push," Mary said,"You're baby is ready to come into the world."

Abigail felt her heart skip a beat, before she began to push. She felt like her body was being ripped in half. The pain was intense, and she couldn't hold back the scream that rang from her lips. She was pushing for a while, before her body started to become sluggish.

"You need to keep pushing. Only his head is out." Mary said, but Abigail was falling unconscious.

"I can't," Abigail replied,"I don't feel well."

"Keep going!" Mary cried, knowing Abigail needed to continue before anything bad happened.

Abigail forced all of her energy in her body to work to push out her baby. The moment her baby was out, she felt her eyes closing. She couldn't keep them open. She was sore, her body was tired, and she just wanted to sleep. Before Mary could do anything, Abigail stopped breathing, and Mary knew she had died.

Mary held the small baby in her arms, and she worked quickly to clean him up and get him warm. Right after cleaning him up though, a bright light shined through, forcing Mary backwards. The moment the light was faded, her eyes adjusted to the room, and she seen a small toddler standing near the bed.

Mary stared at the toddler with her eyes wide. She didn't know how the baby had turned himself into a toddler. She slowly stood from the floor and started walking over to the toddler, and he scurried away from the woman. The toddler seemingly just wanted his mother, and Mary felt bad for him.

"Come here, sweetheart." Mary cooed, but the toddler didn't move.

"Mommy." The toddler said, as he tugged on the blanket of the bed.

Mary didn't know what to say to the toddler. She didn't know how to tell him that his mother had passed. The toddler managed to grab his mother's hand, and his eyes glowed, but nothing seemed to happen, at least, not noticeable.

"Come here, let's get you some clothes and a nice bath." Mary commented, but the toddler started to cry.

A moment later, Dean and Sam came crashing into the room. Their eyes widened when they seen a small toddler near the bed, instead of a newborn baby.

"That's a toddler." Sam commented, and Mary sighed.

"He changed himself into a toddler. I don't know how, and I don't know why," Mary replied,"He won't leave her side." She added, looking over at her boys.

"Well, leave him, we need to go out and help Cas. All Hell is breaking loose outside." Dean said, and Mary nodded.

"Dean, we can't leave him." Sam retorted, making Dean sigh.

"Come here, kid." Dean said, as he walked towards the toddler.

The toddler screamed, causing Dean to roll his eyes.

"Just lock him in the room. He'll be safe." Dean told his brother, and Sam agreed reluctantly.

Dean looked back towards the toddler and Abigail one last time before he left the room, feeling his heart clench knowing that Abigail may actually be dead...

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