Chapter Twenty One

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A date; that was something that Abigail couldn't stop replaying in her head

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A date; that was something that Abigail couldn't stop replaying in her head. She continued to think about what could potentially happen over and over again. She was worried that something would happen while she and Jack were out with Eric. The thing was, excitement outweighed the nervousness. She was feeling excited, and she didn't know if it was something she should be feeling, but she couldn't really stop herself.

When the day of the date finally came, Abigail's stomach was filled with butterflies. She had made sure Jack was dressed accordingly for the date, since she didn't want him looking too hot or too cold. To the humans, they would wonder why he was dressed wrong for the weather, but he wouldn't really feel a difference in weather because he was a Nephilim.

Abigail had then spent an hour getting herself ready. She had never been on a date before, so she had no idea how to dress. Since she knew that Eric was taking her and Jack out to eat, then to the park, she decided she wasn't going to dress too fancy. She wanted to look like a normal person, but with a little bit of class. Rebekah had always taught her that she needed to dress with a little bit of class, because she was a Mikaelson, and they weren't supposed to look like scrubs.

After she had gotten ready, she decided to bring Jack to the kitchen to do some art while they waited for Eric to get off work and bring them out. Eric had informed her the day before that he was bringing them out to dinner after work, so she was going to have plenty of time to get herself and Jack ready to go out. She didn't want Jack messing up his outfit, so she figured art was an easy way to keep him clean and occupied.

About an hour, almost two, of art later, Abigail and Jack heard a knock on the front door. Jack quickly dropped his crayon, before he jumped from his seat and ran to the front door. The young boy really liked Eric, so he was excited to be hanging out with the man, especially since Eric was bringing him out to go somewhere he'd never been before.

Abigail allowed Jack to open the door himself, since she was right behind him. When he opened the door to see Eric, he bounced with excitement and wrapped his arms around Eric's legs. He looked up at the man with bright eyes, causing a big smile to appear on Eric's face as well.

"Are you ready to go?" Eric asked, looking up at Abigail.

"Yes," She replied,"just let me grab my phone."

Abigail went over to the table and grabbed her phone, before she headed out of the door with Eric and Jack. She closed the front door and locked it, then the three headed to Eric's truck. They stopped at Abigail's car to grab Jack's carseat, since he couldn't be in the truck without one. When they got into Eric's truck, Abigail was surprised to see a small travel TV connected to the back of Eric's headrest.

"I bought this earlier," Eric commented,"and my friend helped me hook it up. He has a little boy, so he knew how to hook it up."

"You didn't have to do that." She replied, making him smile.

"I just wanted Jack to feel as comfortable as possible," He said,"Besides, car rides can be boring, and I don't want him to be bored."

Once Jack and Abigail were ready, Eric pulled out of his driveway and headed to the restaurant he was planning for them to eat. Abigail was nervous the entire ride; partly because she'd never been on a date before, but also because she didn't know what could happen while she was out. She was also very nervous, since the restaurant was further inside of New Orleans than her home was.

She almost breathed a sigh of relief, when the restaurant wasn't in the French Quarter. If it would've been, she would've had to ask Eric to bring them somewhere else. She couldn't tell him why, since he still didn't know much about her, but she hoped if the time came that he'd understand.

Jack only ate chicken strips and french fries, which was the normal toddler meal of choice. Abigail and Eric both ate foods that sounded delicious when they read the descriptions under the name of the dishes. Abigail and Eric talked amongst each other, and they both enjoyed their time together. Jack talked to them sometimes, but during the meal he was often too infatuated with his food to really talk.

After eating, Eric brought the mother and daughter to a nearby park. Jack was very excited to play at the park, since he had never been to a park before. The park was something he enjoyed immensely, and the two adults took turns pushing him on the swing, going down the slide with him, or doing other little things he really wanted to do. It was definitely something Jack would remember for a very long time, and Abigail was glad that he was experiencing something so exciting at a young age.

Much like Jack, Abigail was kept from stuff like this when she was little. Hope had gotten to enjoy a little bit of this when she was really little, but once she was with their parents, it changed. Abigail never got to do anything like that. Her birth mother, her father, Hayley, and everyone else wanted to protect her, meaning keep her away from the outside world.

Abigail didn't hate her family for it, she understood. She knew she was doing the same to Jack, and she hoped he wouldn't hate her for it when he got older. The difference was, there was now a man that was causing her to change her ideas a bit. He could quite possibly be the reason Jack didn't end up living his entire life inside of the house away from the world around him...

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