Chapter Thirteen

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Abigail's eyes opened, and she sat up in bed. Immediately her heightened senses made her turn to her son. Her eyes widened when she realized he was a toddler, but she was even more confused when she seen that he didn't have clothes on. Quickly, she used her magic to make him clothes out of one of her old shirts, before she went to leave the room.

When she realized the door was locked, she used her new strength to break the lock and open the door. She walked out of the room with the child in her arms. She could hear yelling and fighting outside of the bunker, causing anger to coarse through her more. She quickly placed her son in Dean's car, before she went to save the others.

She looked scary to them all. She still wore her bloody dress, and her face was scary because her teeth were sharp, her eyes practically glowed, and veins appeared under her eyes. She used her strength to take out quite a few demons and a few monsters that had appeared.

When a weapon was raised at her, she used her teeth to tear the throat out of the person who threatened her. When she realized it was a human, she felt bad, but they were threatening her. She could pass the person off as a witch if anyone asked. Once they were safe, she turned to the others.

"You're alive?" Sam questioned, and Abigail sighed.

"I'm a tribrid," She replied,"it took dying to trigger my vampire side."

"Where's the Nephilim?" Castiel asked, causing Abigail to turn towards him.

"He is safe," She retorted,"and you will stay away from him."

"Your...child could end all of creation." Castiel commented, but she didn't listen.

"Abigail," Mary grabbed her attention,"I understand the need to protect your child, because I'm a mother. But I'm also a hunter, and I worry about what could happen because he's a Nephilim." She said, and Abigail scoffed.

"Yeah, you're such a great mother, too." Abigail mocked, causing Mary to frown.

"Look, I'm not letting the world end because this kid decides to have a tempertantrum." Dean commented, making Abigail growl.

"I will rip your heart out, if you even step close to him." She spat, and Dean raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Where is he?" Sam asked, causing Abigail to sigh.

Abigail used her vampire speed to go over to Dean's car. She opened the door and picked up the child, before she went back towards the others. It felt weird holding such a small child, but she loved him nonetheless.

"What'd you name him?" Mary asked, trying to calm the awkwardness in the area.

"Jack," Abigail answered,"Jack Mikaelson."

She watched everyone's reaction as they realized exactly who she was and who she was related to. They seemed shocked and a little scared at the news, but nobody said anything. Before anyone could really say anything anyway, a man popped up in their vicinity.

"Oh, what a nice family moment," The man mocked,"If only you knew that they're still planning to kill you and your boy."

"Lucifer." Castiel spat, as they turned towards the archangel.

"What are you doing here?" Sam questioned, as he and Dean stepped closer to Abigail and Jack to protect them.

"I'm here to collect my child and his mother," Lucifer replied,"but if she doesn't come willingly..."

"You're not going to touch him." Abigail spat, and Lucifer chuckled.

"It's a shame you have such a horrible attitude," Lucifer chimed,"You're one of the most beautiful beings I ever seen."

"Leave," Dean snapped,"or you will die."

Lucifer ignored him, and took a step closer to Jack and Abigail, causing the Winchester brothers to push him back.

"I will admit, we made a cute kid," Lucifer told Abigail,"but he's the most powerful being in creation, and I want him. I want to be a good dad and all that crap."

Abigail quickly handed Jack to Mary, before she used her vampire speed to throw Lucifer away from them. Once he was on the ground, she used the same spell on him as she did Castiel. Lucifer was in evident pain, but he was stronger than Castiel, so it didn't completely disable him.

"You forget, I'm one of the most dangerous creatures on this planet, and I will tear you apart over and over again for fun," She spat,"So stay away from me and my son."

"I guess I'll have to go after your family. I bet Daddy would love to hear about your secret child with the devil." Lucifer commented, causing her to growl, and her power to grow.

"Don't even think about it. If I even hear a whisper about you getting close to my family, I will end you and your miserable existence. You may be the devil, but I am Abigail Mikaelson, the original tribrid, and I am the most dangerous creature in existence. My father made sure of it, so go ahead and test me if you do not value your life." She spat, and she watched as blood began to flow from his mouth, eyes, and nose.

"Let him go," Sam told her quietly,"Jack doesn't need to see this." He added, and almost immediately Abigail let Lucifer go.

Lucifer smirked at her and pulled himself off the ground, before he disappeared into thin air. Abigail allowed herself a moment to calm down, before she turned back to her son and Mary.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Mary murmured, motioning for Abigail to follow her.

Abigail knew that the others were most likely a little frightened by her. She didn't want to scare them, but they needed to see just how scary she could be when it came to her son and her family. She was willing to do anything for them, and if that meant scaring a lot of people, she was more than willing to do it. She would scare the world to protect the ones she loved...

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