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"Be quick Shrivastav. I can't God damn wait for years to find that con Naman Ahlawat", Vardhaan shouted startling the poor man who was still unable to find Naman's whereabouts.

"S...sir, as per my sources, he is in Mumbai for a deal in Astrax Limited", Piyush Shrivastav replied.

Vardhaan closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose frustrated.

"I don't care what he is doing Shrivastav. In the next 36 hours, he should be here. IN FRONT OF ME. IN MY OFFICE. Clear?", Vardhaan asked.

"Yes sir. Yes sir, he will be here. I will make sure of that", Shrivastav replied and continued, "Sir you asked me for background check of the Maheshwaris. I have collected the whole information".

Vardhaan nodded at him and called Raghav to come to his office, which he quickly agreed and soon the Suryavanshi brothers were seated while Piyush Shrivastav had a whole presentation made on the Maheshwaris.

"The story starts from Rituraj Maheshwari's father, the owner of Maheshwari textiles, who built the whole empire from scratch - Dhanraj Maheshwari. He was married off to Ashlesha Rawat by his father. Ashlesha could never like him much due to his modern thoughts. Later on, they had two sons, Rituraj Maheshwari and Rishiraj Maheshwari.

The textile business was passed on to Rituraj and trade market to Rishiraj. Eight years ago, Rishiraj passed away in an accident.

Ashlesha never was in favour of women having a say in business though after her husband's death, things eventually got into her hands.

Rituraj was close to his mother, whereas Rishiraj to his father. It is said that Rishiraj was the humble, righteous, empathetic one among them, while Rituraj had always been the opposite. He has always been hungry for money and power.

Rituraj got married to Sarika who shared the same orthodox thoughts as Ashlesha.

After Sarika gave birth to Aarambh, Ashlesha was overjoyed because she knew she can influence him however she wants as she did with Rituraj. But, in childhood and through his teenage years, Aarambh was closer to his grandfather and uncle as Rituraj was busy with the company, and knowing how money minded he is, it is not hard to guess that business for him was more important than family.

He provided everything for Aarambh and spoiled him as much as he could, but both Ashlesha and Rituraj couldn't influence him due to Dhanraj's presence.

Also, the connection between the Maheshwaris and the Ahlawats is quite old. And the link between them is Ashlesha.

Ashlesha and Naman's grandmother Chandrika Ahlawat were neighbours though Chandrika was 9 years elder to her, they shared a great bond.

Nitya wasn't treated right by her parents from the beginning, but Aarambh loved her and Dhanraj and Rishiraj too.

By the way her parents and Ashlesha treated her, Dhanraj was unsure that she would be safe without any of the three of them around. So, when he came to know about his illness and realised that he doesn't have much time to live, he made a will handing over the business to Nitya when she turns 25, who was six year old that time.

As he wanted to make sure that she had a secure future after he was gone which was impossible with her father and grandmother.

After his demise, Nitya was the closest to Rishiraj and Aarambh. Rishiraj's death eight years ago was mysterious. I mean he suddenly disappeared for months, and when few of his business associates found him, he was severely injured. While he was being driven to hospital, the ambulance was hit by a truck but thr driver escaped."

"This is surely not how it looks like. There is a lot more to it that we need to find out", Vardhaan exclaimed all tensed.

"What about the Ahlawats?", Raghav asked Piyush, "And what's the reason behind Ahlawat's alliance for Nitya?"

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