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The sunlight lit the room through the beige curtains, waking Vardhaan up. He opened his eyes, keeping a hand above his head, trying to adjust to the light.

He looked around and a content smile etched his face seeing his newly wedded wife sleeping peacefully, secured in his arms. He thanked god and prayed to wake up like this every morning, with her in his arms. He pulled Nitya closer to face him, and removed a hair strand from her face.

She snuggled closer to his chest, feeling the familiar protectiveness. Vardhaan put his chin on the crown of her head, and held her like that until she woke up.

"Good morning", she woke up embraced in her safe haven only to look up at her man smiling and admiring her sleepy self.

"Good Morning Jaana", he said in his morning voice, placing a kiss on the crown of her head.

They freshened up and Nitya decided to get dressed up for her "pehli rasoi". Vardhaan checked some emails sitting on the bed, patiently waiting for his wife to come out of  the closet, so that he can take a bath and get dressed too.

The swift tapping on the keyboard invaded the silence in the room before it was intruded by the sweet jingling of anklets and bangles, successfully catching Vardhaan's unwavering attention. He looked up in haze, only to find his newly wedded wife dressed in red, making his heart beat frantically against ribcage, ready to come out any moment.

She looked at him sensing his gaze and questioned his wide, surprised yet soft eyes, by raising an eyebrow

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She looked at him sensing his gaze and questioned his wide, surprised yet soft eyes, by raising an eyebrow.

He couldn't control his movements at her question and walked towards her. Standing in front of Nitya, he moved back a strand of wet hair from her neck and sniffed her hair, slightly touching the tip of his nose to the crook of her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

Nitya let out a silent, shaky breath as the silence of the room and proximity allowed her to hear her husband's frantic heartbeats.

"Vardhaan", she left out a whisper making him come back from his haze and hypnotizing his senses at the same time.

He looked at her sideways, and smiled against her neck. His lips feathered her neck as he uttered, "I love you" making her go more red and warm due to his sweet torture.

He pecked her neck with a smirk, sensing the effect of his proximity on her, and left for the bathroom.

Nitya stood there unable to comprehend his sudden advances, not that she didn't want him to express his love every moment like this, but it was all so new and overwhelming for her. She felt good, she felt new, she felt loved, she felt claimed.

Smiling to herself, she walked to the mirror for some skincare and light make up, and complete her look with jewellery. All the while, her cheeks were coated a slight blush, all thanks to her husband's new antiques.

A while later, she sat in front of the mirror, trying to decide on the appropriate pair of earrings, trying them on one by one. As she finally decided on a pair of kundan earrings, matching her necklace, her eyes stuck on her husband through the mirror.

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