The New Arrival

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They were told labour could take anywhere from eight hours to nineteen when it came to the first child. It was going to be a long and painful process, where all you could do was wait and breathe and push when the time came to it. Grace's mother took twelve hours to deliver Grace, Seokjin's mother took twenty hours. Either way, it was going to take a bit of time.

Grace had been in labour for 48 hours before the doctor delivered the news she could start pushing and by that point, all she wanted to do was sleep and eat. The no eating was the hardest because she really wanted a greasy cheeseburger with extra pickles, curly fries that were covered in cheese and a big cup of fizzy cola. Throughout her whole pregnancy, she had been careful with what she had eaten though being on the road with a long tour meant homecooked meals were out of the question.

But it was all worth it.

The delivery room was quiet now, the midwife in charge had done her final pieces of paperwork and clean up and checks and left the new family to it. The last fifty hours had nothing but machine beeps, the door being constantly opened with nurses and doctors and family, sounds of life going on outside and then the sounds of a baby being born.

Tired eyes glanced over to the large windows where Seokjin was cradling his first child close to his chest, pointing to the world that knew nothing of the important arrival. Life went on in Seoul, though the most important people had been on call and waiting. Six men had been by their phones in the midst of practice, waiting for the news that would make them drop everything. Bang PD had also been asking for regular updates and the grandparents had been in and out of the delivery suite all day.

Grace's mother had been by her side as had Seokjin, the two never leaving and taking it in turns to stay up with Grace during her contractions. They two had worked well as a team of constant support - breathing, massages, walking Grace around to help get those contractions going, lifting legs, helping to make trips to the bathroom.

Now the grandparents were off for some well earned rest.

"How you feeling?"

Grace focused her eyes and it took her moment to answer, letting out a large yawn instead. "Tired, very sore. But happy."

"I bet. That was probably worse than one of Hobi's dance practices," Seokjin commented. The baby in his arms fussed for a second and he paused, holding his breath until he and the baby relaxed.

"See, knew you'd be a natural," grinned Grace as she shifted in the bed. She couldn't wait for a hot bath and a hair wash and that greasy burger.

"I haven't tried doing the nappies yet," the new father sighed and sat down in the chair next to Grace who laughed softly and closed her eyes. "Why don't you get some sleep? Me and the munchkin will be alright."

"Muchkin? Nicknames already?" Her eyes were closed but she was still awake, grinning at the thought.

"I'm working on it," Seokjin shrugged. "I'm not letting Jungkook beat me to it."

"Uncle Kookie," Grace muttered under her breath and Seokjin knew she was starting to fall asleep.

"Hmm, she's certainly going to have a her hands full with uncles and saying their names." Of course, the baby in his arms didn't care that she had six famous uncles, a famous father and a famous mother. Right now, baby was content to sleep in her father's arms, completely unaware of what was going to be awaiting her when she woke up.

But she was finally here and Jin sighed happily, breathing in that new baby smell. His daughter was all his now and he'd be there every step of the way to introduce her to this new strange world and to the ARMY who were waiting patiently for her arrival.

The perfect representation of a couple fully in love, of six uncles who already adored her and of a fanbase of who she was named after. 

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