Bad Dreams

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It was the sound of crying that woke Grace up. Having lived with seven men who weren't known for being quiet elephants, she was used to sleeping light and ever since having Bora, there was the constant need to be somewhat awake in case anything happened anything. The baby monitor was right next to her ear on the bedside table, the cries of her daughter having woke her up.

With a slight groan, Grace flung the covers off her and made her way towards the nursery. It was down the hallway to the second door, right next to the bathroom. There her daughter lay in the crib, screaming at the top of her lungs as her little arms and legs waved around in frustration. She clearly wasn't having a good night.

"My Bora, what's the matter?" her mother cooed as she reached down, bringing the three month old to her chest. Grace quickly checked her bottom, which was clean, and she had been fed over an hour before they went to bed so she wasn't hungry. "Did you have a bad dream?"

No amount of comforting or trying to get her back to sleep in her crib was helping the baby. For a quiet and serious baby who rarely cried over anything, this was completely unusual. So Grace carried her out of the nursery and into the bedroom she shared with Jin. Of course, he was wide awake, lamp on the bedside table on and the TV on low because if their daughter was awake then so were they.

"I think she had a bad dream," Grace said as she handed their daughter over to Jin to lay on his chest.

"Sounds like she has," he winced at the screams but started to smooth a hand up and down the baby's back. "Maybe she dreamt that you had run out of milk."

"Maybe she dreamt that you had eaten her favourite snack," Grace countered with a grin, settling down back into bed. She reached over and ran a finger over her daughter's tear covered cheek. "Poor baba. We're here, don't worry."

With the sound of her parent's voices and the low volume of the TV in the background, the rise and fall of her father's chest underneath her chubby cheek, it didn't take long for Bora to go back to dreamland. 

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