The Kim, Chu & Jeon Household

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Note: Happy birthday to myself! It's not till the 28th but I'm going to be early for once. This isn't up to the usual standards but here it is anyway. Hope you enjoy.

It was hard to believe that Grace now had a two week old daughter. After nine months of pregnancy, a numbing amount of hours in labour and one extra day in hospital, Kim Bora had arrived.

Of course, her daughter did nothing other than sleep, eat and poop and cried plenty in between but she was here, safe and sound and growing at a fast rate. Bora remained unbothered by her new life - sometimes content to lay in her father's arms and look around, watching everything with an intent gaze until she needed a nap. Sometimes she was wide awake, feeding like a hungry kitten and little fingers exploring.

Either way, she was beautiful.

It was becoming the norm now as they settled into life with a newborn. Grace and Seokjin took turns, sharing the duties even if it was late at night or very early in the morning. There was no routine to follow, the two just going with the flow of whatever rhythm their daughter was going with that day. They were fortunate enough, unlike most normal parents, to have the chance to step away from their careers and settle into life as parents without the worries of money and time.

The rest of Bangtan followed along. They took up the mantle with one member out for a year, the other adjusting to life as a new father. And they visited plenty ever since Grace had left the hospital, coming over when their schedules would allow and there was always someone nearby to run for supplies if needed.

Jungkook was a prime example of this.

He had essentially moved in.

One of the bedrooms had become his own now - clothes were in the closet, chunky shoes in the corner, a guitar or two on the walls, a mini fridge with his drinks of choice and a large enough TV that took over one wall.

And as much as Seokjin complained, Jungkook had been a massive help. He was a door down from their bedroom and normally the first one up and about whenever Bora cried and he was always the first one to perk up when he heard noises from the crib that was currently in their bedroom. It was cute to watch Jungkook turn into the big brother he was meant to become.

The big brother had just returned from a schedule at HYBE where they were planning their next comeback and had taken a shower, picked up Bora from her crib where she had taken a nap and woke up hungry and handed her over to Grace.

"Thanks," Grace chuckled as she took her daughter and went to the living room.

"Hyung! Want help with dinner?" Jungkook asked, turning on his foot to head to the kitchen.

"When are you moving out?" was the usual response but Seokjin wanted Jungkook there as much as Grace did. They had become a little family the past two weeks.

There was the sound of squabbling in the kitchen, the sound of pots and pans being moved around from where they were stored and the sound of Jungkook chopping the vegetables on the counter while he told his big brother about the day at HYBE.

Grace glanced down to her daughter who was more than content to suckle, her eyes wide open while her fingers wrapped around one of Grace's. "You've got a big appetite like your Dad," she laughed and let her daughter have her dinner, her attention flitting between the TV and the noise from the kitchen.

It sounded like a regular family on a typical Seoul night.

The father and son are in the kitchen, with the mother and daughter on the couch. And while they were everything but blood, Grace had to admit that to the outside world, they were just a typical South Korean family at the best of times. In a way, Jungkook was always going to be their 'son' since the two of them with the help of the rest of BTS had taken Jungkook under their wing the moment he arrived in Seoul and had never let go.

Even if he was a man now, a successful military career behind him, a very successful solo career still in the palm of his hands and every bit the golden maknae still. To Seokjin and Grace, he would still be Jeon Jungkook of Busan rather than JK.

Once her daughter had finished eating and properly burped, the sound making Grace laugh, and dinner was being plated up, Grace settled Bora on the rocker that was in view of everyone as they settled down for dinner. Another 'family tradition' that started from the early days of BTS - there was to be a family meal together at the dining room table.

By the end of the night, the three of them were sprawled on the couch with Bora fast asleep on Jungkook's chest who was just about awake and Grace leaning against Seokjin's side who let out a large yawn.

"Is everyone awake?" he asked, reaching up to rub one of his eyes as the other one took a glance around the room.

"About," Jungkook yawned back as his tattooed hand secured his sister and the other came up to ruffle his hair.

"Any schedules we need to worry about?" Grace asked, stretching out tired and still sore limbs from having given birth two weeks ago.

Seokjin let out a grunt as he opened his phone and tried to get his eyes to focus on the shared calendar between the eight of them and company but gave up completely and handed his phone to Grace.

"Wow hyung, definitely getting old," Jungkook murmured with a grin. Seemed he still had the energy to tease his favourite member.

"No breakfast for you then," was the reply which made Jungkook laugh under his breath, careful not to wake the sleeping baby.

"No schedule, but Namjoon has one in the evening," Grace finally clarified. "So you know that will mean everyone will be over for lunch tomorrow."

"More mouths to feed. Do they think we run a restaurant?" Seokjin groaned as he sat up, stretching. He walked over to where Jungkook lay and reached out to pick his daughter up.

"Nooo, not yet," Jungkook pouted, knowing Seokjin was going to put Bora to bed.

"Yessss," Seokjin replied as he grinned. "You need to go to bed, you're dead on your feet. We all are. Come on, get moving," he gently kicked Jungkook's foot.

Off he went to put his daughter to sleep and to give himself a shower, which just left Jungkook and Grace to haul themselves off the couch and to bed. Jungkook sighed and knew if he was at home on his own, he'd be on LIVE with ARMY, three beers in and staying up till 6am but here, they kept on a proper scheduled pattern. Feed, drink, sleep and repeat.

"Come on noona," Jungkook rolled onto his feet and wandered over, taking the hands that were already held out. "I can't wait to have you back with us."

"I can't wait to be back either," she sighed as she helped turn off the TV, lights and closed curtains but left the hallway light on for any nighttime wanders into the kitchen. "It's nice having time off but god it is boring."

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