Chapter 1 - The Birth of the Leaders

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At the edge of Pride Rock, Simba paced back and forth nervously as his mate went through what proved to be a difficult birth, which seemed to have followed a difficult pregnancy. As the Royal Majordomo and an old friend of the king, Zazu tried to give Simba reason to believe everything would be alright, but in the back of his mind he, as well as everyone knew, something was wrong.

Zazu - "I'm sure everything will be fine, your majesty. Queen Nala is one of the strongest lionesses in the entire pride."

Simba stopped pacing and looked at the cave entrance, where his brother in law, Mheetu, and his younger sister, Shani stood at the front, making sure Simba didn't have access to the den. While males were usually allowed to stand with their mate while she's in the process of giving birth, the royal males always proved to be more anxious than their mate, so designated members of the pride would stand and guard the entrance to avoid any delays in the process due to the male's worries.

Simba - "I know, she'll be okay. She's already done this with Kiara, and that was when the Pride Lands were still in ruins. But something is different. Something is telling me that even if Nala is alright, one of the cubs aren't."

Aisha, the adopted daughter of Simba and Nala, came over and nuzzled against her father's leg, giving him what little reassurance she could provide, being such a young cub herself. Kopa, her biological brother, as well as the royal family's adopted son, slept soundly next to Kiara, watched over by a loyal huntress named Zola.

Aisha - "Dad, I think Mom and the cubs are gonna be alright. If Kiara was born healthy in the conditions of the Pride Lands when you found us, then our new siblings should be just fine."

Simba smiled at his eldest daughter, and gave her a nuzzle in gratitude. Simba felt himself calming down slightly, but his worries all came back in just a few seconds. Sarafina, Nala's devoted and caring mother, came out of the den and addressed Simba with a heartbroken tone and informed him that Nala was ready to see him. His heart stopped. He knew something was wrong, and the looks that the lionesses gave him as he passed only made him feel worse. But as he got to the inside of the cave, he felt himself almost fall to the ground when he saw Nala's tears run down her face uncontrollably.

Simba - "Nala, what's going on? Are you alright? What's wrong?"

Rafiki, known for making the most depressing moments into laughable memories, walked towards Simba and gave him a look of sadness that he had never seen on the mandrill before.

Rafiki - "It's uncertain as of now, but I'm afraid the youngest cub has been born incredibly weak. I've listened to the Spirits, and they've told me a cub this weak at birth has never made it to the next day. I'm doing everything I can do, but as of right now, the prediction of this child's future is bleak and short. I'm sad to say it, but I don't believe she'll breath for more than a few hours."

Simba felt the tears weld up in his eyes before he could control them, and he rushed to Nala side, who finally let down her walls, and broke down sobbing. The somber pair looked at the two cubs, the male and the oldest, a ball of energy that was lying against his mother's side, letting his presence be known to the world. The female and the youngest, laid entirely still aside her from ragged and uneven breathing. As if the eldest could sense his sister's distress, the cub crawled on his stomach and rested aside her, his cries becoming distraught as the youngest began to cough violently.

Still crying, both Simba and Nala desperately tried to help their daughter regain her breath, even if both of them knew there was nothing either of them could do. The coughing eventually died down, but the ragged breathing from the poor child became even more intense and painful. Simba and Nala had no words as they cried against each other, the rest of the pride coming inside to give their condolences.

Throughout the night, the grieving pair would wake up to the sound of their youngest having attacks on her lungs, and try with everything they had to sooth her pain. Simba and Nala had decided to name the boy Kiongozi, or Kion for short. They had no doubt that he would grow up to be a strong and powerful lion. But since they feared their youngest dying after having given her a name, they decided to spare themselves and wait to see if she would live to bestow her a name. Nala was already afraid since she and Simba became attached to their daughter, and feared that giving her a name would only give cause them even more grievance to name her.

The days passed, then weeks, and by some miracle, the youngest princess survived to live the next day. Granted she was, by no means, strong or healthy in any physical form. But the pride eventually decided that the Lions of the Past had blessed them, and they finally had the courage to name their daughter. In fact, today was the day that the two, although it was originally just Kion, would be presented to the Pride Lands. Animals all over the kingdom and even beyond had heard of the princess and her declining health, so the fact that she would be presented at the ceremony was enough to have them rejoice the same way they had when Simba returned.

Sarabi and Sarafina stood at the entrance of the den, before turning around and heading inside to see their children before the ceremony begun. Simba, who was carefully bathing their daughter while Nala bathed Kion with a much calmer demeanor than the night the twins had been born.

Sarabi - "I can't express how relieved I am that the Spirits have heard our prayers, and have kept this beautiful child alive. Have you decided on a name yet? Rumors and speculations about her name have been spreading around the Pride Lands as if it were the greatest secret in history!"

Nala, still watching over Kion, chuckled softly and looked at Simba, wondering if felt it was time to share the name they came up with. With a small nod and a big smile, Simba and Nala looked towards their respective parents, and had tears of joy and relief well up in their eyes.

Nala - "Ladies, Simba and I would like to introduce you to Princess Kamaria, our little miracle."

The grandmothers felt their faces shift into the brightest smiles they've given in years, and nuzzled their respective daughter/son in law. Sarabi whispered into Nala's ear of how she adored the name Kamaria, and how she knew everyone would love the youngest princess.

Rafiki, back to his positive and joyful attitude, walked into the den addressing the former queen and the mother of the current queen. Before stepping in front of the happy couple, he ruffling the heads of Aisha, Kiara and Kopa, who stood by their grandmothers while Rafiki addressed the royal pair.

Rafiki - "It is time."

With only some nerves and plenty of joy in their hearts, Simba and Nala grabbed the cubs they were bathing by the scruff on their necks, with Simba being extra gentle on Kamaria, and walked out of the den, ready to introduce their children to the Pride Lands.

Suspense had been building throughout the crowd, and the sight of the Royal Mjuzi stepping out of the den caused the animals to stomp their hooves and claws in excitement. With Kion in his hands, Rafiki stepped onto the edge of Pride Rock, and held the youngest prince up for the kingdom to see. Animals of all species erupted into cheers, and Simba and Nala could feel their hearts bursting with Pride.

Rafiki - "Animals of the Pride Lands. It is my honor to present to you, Prince Kion!"

Animals cheered, Timon and Pumba cried, lions roared with pride, and said prince was watching the leaves fly around him curiously, trying to attack the air as if it was a new game. Rafiki let Kion have the spotlight for a few more moments, before bringing him to his chest to walk towards Simba and Nala, and setting him into the paws of the Queen. Gently grabbing the princess and bringing her into his arms, Rafiki walked to the edge once again, but this time, the suspense became even more evident, as to witness their miracle princess.

Rafiki - " Animals of the Pride Lands, it is my honor to present to you, Princess Kamaria!"

If the proud parents of these cubs thought their reaction to Kion was welcoming, they were blown away at the way animals not only cheered in delight, but also how they shouted out their gratitude for her survival. Animals praised the Spirits for letting her live, and even Timon and Pumba could be seen thanking the Lions of the Past.

Yes, it is time.

Time for Princess Kamaria.

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