Chapter 8 - The Wild Dogs

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After a few days of nonstop rest, Kamaria was ready to go out with the Lion Guard for the morning patrol, and her excitement was as clear as the blue sky above them. She walked with a skip in her step, and her eyes ran over everything and everyone who came into view. If you didn't know any better, you would've thought she was the Keenest of Sight.

Kamaria - "So what have you guys been doing for morning patrol while I was gone? Any specific routine you made, or is it something you make up as you go along?"

Ono - "You know, I don't think I've seen anyone as excited for morning patrol than you, Kia. Fuli had to drag Bunga out by the scruff of his neck since he refused to get up at sunrise."

Kamaria - "Is that why Bunga's asleep on Beshte's back right now?"

Ono - "It sure—wait a minute. Bunga! Wake up!"

Lightly pecking at Bunga's stomach to wake him up, the honey badger groaned in annoyance. Bunga covered his eyes with his paws and turned over onto his stomach to go back to sleep. The pecking wouldn't cease though, and Kia let out a giggle at how her friend refused to get up.

Bunga - "Ugh! Just five more minutes, Ono. The sun hasn't even risen in the sky yet. It's just barely there."

Granted, the Guard had to get up early to start their morning patrol, but Kia was so excited for her first patrol, that all she dreamed of was the Lion Guard. For someone who would get weak from just a few hours in the sun, Kia's parents were surprised at how much energy she had when they woke up the twins to gather the Guard.

Kamaria - "Come on, Bunga! You've gotta find this a little exciting. I mean, who else our age gets an excuse to—"

Kia is cut off by the sounds of animals screaming and yelling in the distance. Kion instructs Ono to fly into the sky to see what the problem is. From the sky, he can see three African wild dogs going after a group of galagos, who are just barely escaping their jaws as they leap and pounce at their prey.

Ono - "Hapana! A group of dogs are going after the galagos! They're headed towards Lake Matope!"

Kion - "Thanks, Ono! Let's check it out!"

Kion, Kamaria - "Till the Pride Lands end..."

Everyone - "Lion Guard defend!"

Kia had the Guard split into three groups, letting two members go against one wild dog. Kion and Bunga worked as a pair to take down the smallest one, while Beshte and Ono worked their way at weakening the largest dog. Fuli and Kia worked together to trick the leader of the pack into crashing into his teammates, causing them to lay in one big pile, surrounded by the Lion Guard.

Kion - "Alright, you intruders! Who are you, and why are you hunting in the Pride Lands?!"

??? - "Like we'd ever tell you, golden boy!"

Kamaria - "As leaders of the Lion Guard, we order that you tell us—"

??? - "Tell you what? Listen Princess, I think you and you're friends should just let us get back to our lunch, and find some other animal to bother. That was our food, in case you didn't notice!"

Kamaria - "You are strangers in the Pride Lands, therefore you do not have permission to hunt in our lands. Everyone here respects the Circle of Life, and animals who break those laws within our borders will face consequences."

Bunga - "Yeah! What she said!"

Uzipho - "Yeah, yeah! Listen, you little runt! None of us give a flying feather about your laws and regulations. I'm Uzipho, the leader of this pack, and if I say that we can hunt in your lands, then we will hunt to our hearts' content! And there is nothing you can do to stop us! Come on, boys!"

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