Chapter 22 - Fuli's New Family (Part 1)

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Since Kia and the Lion Guard were still cubs, Mheetu and the original guards would take turns with them for morning and evening patrols, making sure the newly established Lion Guard wouldn't exhaust themselves. Today, Zola and her troop were on morning patrol, giving the twins a chance to sleep in. Kia woke up and stretched herself out to let the sun shine on her fur, before trotting over to the ledge overlooking the Pride Lands. Seeing the dash of golden yellow fur running towards Pride Rock, Kia eagerly jumps down the rocks and runs towards her best friend. As Kia and Fuli prepare to leave for Fuli's den, Simba and Nala stop the two and share some news.

Kamaria - "Hey, Sis! How are you feeling today?"

Fuli - "Heh, as well as I can be. You ready to go?"

Kamaria - "Yep! Just gotta let my parents—"

Simba - "Hold it, Kia. Have you forgotten what today is?"

Kamaria - "Of course not. That's why Fuli and I are heading out, so we—"

Nala - "Sweetie, the council meeting with the Kusugua pride is today. Your father needs you at Pride Rock."

Kamaria - "Wait...That's today?! But—But Mom, Dad! You know what today is!"

Simba - "Believe me when I say I've tried everything to get this rescheduled. But you know how stubborn the scrubland lions can be."

Kamaria - "But—!"

Fuli - "Kia, it's okay! I understand."

Kamaria - "Fuli, I'm supposed to—"

Fuli - "Our lives are a lot more busy now that we're the Lion Guard. Your job as the Wisest is to give advice to those who need your help. Trust me, I can go a day if it means you're doing what you're needed to do."

Kamaria - "But...But today is—"

Fuli - "A day like any other. Kia, you're not an undetermined princess anymore. And I understand that you have responsibilities now."

Simba - "Fuli, I hope you know we wouldn't have done this today if—"

Fuli - "Your highness, I'm gonna be fine. Just take care of Kia for me?"

Simba - "I promise on the Stars."

Kamaria - "Fuli...Are you sure?"

Fuli - "Hahaha! How many times do I gotta say it? I will be alright, Kia...I promise."

Although reluctant to do so, Kia watches her friend run off into the distance, while Simba and Nala stare at their daughter with guilty faces. One fast minute of running later, and Fuli returns to her empty cave on the hillside. Curling herself up in a corner of the den, Fuli lets a disappointed sigh out, and stares at the savanna from the inside of her cave. Kia and Fuli liked spending every moment together that they could, but today was really hard for Fuli. Unlike their other days of fun and adventures, today was a day to get Fuli's mind off of something from the past.

Three years ago, Beba, Fuli's adoptive brother, left the Pride Lands to start his new life. He originally planned on staying until Fuli was an adult, but was promised by Fuli's friends and family that they would look after her. Fuli didn't let him see it, but once Beba was out of view from Fuli and her friends, her tears fell at a fast pace. The young cheetah sat there sobbing, the only means of comfort being her honorary sister, who hugged her tightly and shed her own tears. The boys tried their best to help Fuli feel better, but Kamaria was the only one to get Fuli back to her usual self.

The two made a promise that on the anniversary of Beba leaving, they'd spend the day together and make the journey to the Majonzi Fields, a piece of the Pride Lands where animals go to grieve, whether the animal they miss is gone or not. With the news that Kia wouldn't be available for their tradition, Fuli shook her head before tears could start forming. In the fields, Fuli could see her friends meeting up for the mid morning patrol, and Fuli decided this would be the best way to get her mind off of her brother.

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