Chapter 4 - "What's Zuka Zama?!"

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Birds flew in the sky and animals went about their business. Kion and Kia, still in shock about their new roles in the kingdom, walked up to the water and looked at their reflections.

Kion - "Wow! Us, Leaders of the Lion Guard! Protectors of the Pride Lands!"

Kion, Kamaria - "It's kinda scary..."

Bunga - "Hey, Kion! Kia!"

Kamaria - "Huh?"

Looking behind them, the twins were suddenly splashed by the river as Bunga slid into the water.

Kion - "Ugh! Bunga!"

Bunga - "Ready to start assembling the Lion Guard?! Huh?! Now?! Huh?! Now?!"

Kion - "Yes! Ugh! Just stop splashing us!"

Bunga - "Splashing? Oh...hehe heh...sorry guys."

Kamaria - "You're all good, Bunga."

Kion - "Now, come on!"

Kion, Kamaria - "Time to assemble the Lion Guard!"

Perched on the top branch of a dead tree, Mzingo, a vulture with a sinister personality, listened in and watched as the cubs ran to assemble the Lion Guard.

Mzingo - "Lion Guard? Hmm."

Kion - "Dad said the Lion Guard needs the Pride Lands' Bravest, Fastest, Strongest, and Keenest of Strength!"

Kamaria - "Though we already know who the fastest animal is, no need to think there."

Kion - "But since we're already here, we'll ask the Bravest animal in the Pride Lands first."

Skidding in front of the two lions, Bunga began his hasty speech as he prepared to beg for the position of the Bravest.

Bunga - "Kion, Kia wait! Before you go asking whoever you think is the bravest, think about this!"

Bunga - "I may not be the biggest honey badger, but I know what's in my heart."

Kamaria - "Bunga, we think you're—"

Bunga - "And I'm not afraid of anything! Or anyone!"

Kion - "I know Bunga. That's why we—"

Bunga - "And we'll help the Lion Guard fight hyenas! Or jackals, or crocodiles, or vultures!"

Mzingo - "Vultures?!" Offended

Bunga - "Or great big rock slides, or wild fires, or floods! I will stand by the Lion Guard! I'll never give up! I'll-I'll—"

Kion - "Why don't you stop talking so we can ask you to join the Lion Guard?"

Bunga - "...say wha?!"

Kamaria - "Bunga, you're probably the most courageous animal I've ever met. Of course we want you to join."

Kion - "In fact, we want you to be the first to join the new Lion Guard!"

Bunga - "Zuka Zama!"

Mzingo - "Zuka Zama, indeed. I wonder if Janja knows about the Lion Guard."

Taking off and flying towards the Outlands, the twins are completely unaware of the upcoming danger, listening to Bunga celebrate his new position as the Bravest.

Bunga - "You couldn't have made a better choice! We are gonna make a great team! I can't want to tell Uncle Timon and Uncle Pumbaa!"

In the distance, a cry of distress could be heard, and Kia's ears were up in alert.

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