Chapter 19 - The Heart of the Princess

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Ono's attention turned away from the Lion Guard to Rafiki, who was in his own world as he tried making the painting...for the tenth time today. Not satisfied with the result, Rafiki yelled and stepped away from the wall, while Ono flew and rested on the rock he was standing on. Standing next to the Royal Mjuzi, and with one eye, Ono looked at the paintings on the wall with a perspective he didn't expect to have.

Rafiki - "Ah! Why, why?! It is still not right!"

Ono - "It looks fine to me, Rafiki. It's just like all the other Lion Guard paintings."

Rafiki - "That is the problem! The new Lion Guard, it is not like the others! For one thing, this Lion Guard has two leaders! Yet it should be simple. Their leaders and those they lead..."

Ono - "..."

Rafiki - "Haha! Kiongozi and Kamaria! They do not just lead you. You are all friends! Hahaha! Yes! Yes! You all belong together!"

Ono - "We do belong together. All of us. Eye or no eye, my place is with the Guard! Thanks, Rafiki! I got to get going if I'm gonna catch up with them!"

At the highest points of Chakula Plains, Janja and his hyenas watch the zebras peacefully graze in the fields, before gathering a pile of giant rocks for their plan. Janja's idea was to throw the rocks into the canyon as the Lion Guard ran passed it on both ends, keeping them trapped long enough for the hyenas to attack the zebras. Kia looks around feeling that something is off, but by the time she'd realized what was happening, it was already too late. As the Lion Guard runs through the pass, Cheezi and Chungu push the rocks to the ground, leaving them effectively trapped.

Kion - "Hurry! This way!"

Janja - "Here they come now."

Kamaria - "Uh, Kion? Something doesn't feel right!"

Kion - "But this is the fastest way to the zebras! Come on!"

Kamaria - "But we—WAIT! Everyone, look—"

Lion Guard - "Woah!"

Kion - "Quick! We'll have to take the long way around!"

Kamaria - "But wait!"

Janja - "That's what you think."

With the second rock slide, Beshte holds up a boulder that fell for protection, with Fuli rushing by his side. Calling out to the rest of the Guard, everyone took cover under the rock.

Kion - "Everyone okay?"

Beshte - "Yep."

Fuli - "I'm good."

Kamaria - "I think so."

Bunga - "Let's do that again!"

Kion - "Right...Thanks, Beshte."

Beshte - "Poa. Ugh!"

Kamaria - "Mungu Mpendwa!"

Fuli - "What are the chances of two rock slides making two walls in one day with us in the middle?!"

Kion - "No chance. This is Janja's doing."

Janja - "You got that right, Kion! You're trapped! I win! Hahaha! Looks like we're dining on zebra today. And you can't do nothing to stop me!"

Kamaria - "You're on thin ice, Janja!"

Kion - "Ugh, if I can just—"

Kamaria - "Kion, don't!"

Janja - "How you gonna stop me, lion cubs?! You're all the way down there! Aw, poor little Lion Guard. Protectors of the Pride Lands. Stuck behind a big old wall!"

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