Chapter 21 - The Kupatana Demonstration

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The Lion Guard follows the sound of angry animals to find them surrounding the jackals, who have seemingly innocent expressions on their faces. Ono flies into the middle of the crowd to do damage control and clear the crowds, while the twins talk to Reirei. Slowly, Kia's trust in her and her family starts to fade.

Ono - "Nothing to see here. Move along."

Reirei - "I'm sorry, Kion. I just don't understand why everyone's so upset."

Goigoi - "Yeah! We didn't take anything from the aardvarks!"

Kion - "What about all these other animals?"

Goigoi - "Oh, them? Well..."

Dogo - "It was just a misunderstanding!"

Fuli - "A misunderstanding?!"

Kamaria - "Fuli..."

Fuli - "Is that what they call stealing food and invading other animals' homes in the Outlands?!"

Reirei - "Well, yes, it is. Things are so different out there!"

Kamaria - "I understand that, but—"

Reirei - "How could we possibly know what's acceptable in the Pride Lands?"

Fuli - "Give me a break!"

Reirei - "Kion, Kia, you don't know how hard it is to start over a strange place—"

Fuli - "Actually, I did. But that doesn't mean I went around taking whatever I wanted—"

Reirei - "We just don't know how to fit in. We do so badly want to be accepted as part of your community. Don't you Pride Landers have...a word for that?"

Kion - "We do. It's Kupatana."

Kamaria - "It's happening tonight, actually. Everyone will be together in Mizimu Grove to celebrate it."

Reirei - "Kupatana...Ku-pa-tana. It sounds lovely. Do you think we jackals can be a part of your...Kupatana?"

Kion - "...Maybe. But only if you can treat everyone in the Pride Lands with respect."

Kamaria - "And that includes not stealing other animals's food."

Kion - "Can you and your family do that?"

Reirei - "Oh, yes. I think we understand now. Right, Goigoi?...Goigoi?"

Reirei kicks her back leg into the sleeping jackal behind her, and subtly catches how Kia cringes in response. The Lion Guard takes their leave to get ready for the Kupatana celebration, while Kamaria heads for the chorus to practice a few more times. Fuli decides to tag along with her, and the discuss the jackals on their way to Mizimu Grove.

Fuli - "I just...don't get it."

Kamaria - "You don't get what, Fuli?"

Fuli - "I don't understand how the jackals are so oblivious to what should be just common sense. Like stealing someone's food? She had to have known that was wrong!"

Kamaria - "Well, maybe it's as different in the Outlands as Reirei said it is. But you're right, something"

Zazu - "There you are, Princess! Oh, hello, young Fuli!"

Kamaria, Fuli - "Hi, Zazu."

Kamaria - "I'm just here to rehearse for the show."

Fuli - "And I'm here on moral support."

Zazu - "Excellent! Now, follow me this way. We have a lot to do!"

Per Zazu's instructions, Kia ran towards the middle of the stage, where the rest of the singers greeted her with warm smiles. Zazu perched himself on the stone where he'd be conducting them, and Kia gave Fuli a nervous look. With an encouraging smile from Fuli, the princess took in a deep breath and began singing. The chorus does a few practices of the song, before taking a break when the royal family shows up to the groves. Kia immediately heads for her siblings, while Fuli watches from a few feet away.

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