Chapter 11 - The Rise of the Twins

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Kia had been afraid of crocodiles since one snapped at her during a meeting between her parents and the leader of the float. But it didn't mean she cared about the crocodiles' well-being any less. Finding Pua leaning against some rocks to rest, Kia slowly walked up to the elderly crocodile. Hearing the soft paws behind him, Pua turned around and looked at the princess. He didn't exactly smile, but his eyes softened enough to let Kia know she wasn't bothering him.

Kamaria - "Sir Pua, are you okay?"

Pua - "Heh. I'm not right now, but I will be."

Kamaria - "...If the float banished you, where are you gonna live?"

Pua - "I'm sure I'll find some small space to call my own. But until then, I think I'll spend the night here, right under the stars."

Kamaria - "If you want, I could talk to my dad about letting you stay near Pride Rock. We have a watering hole about a—"

Pua - "I appreciate your compassion, your majesty. It's rare to see such genuine kindness these days. But I can assure you, I'm going to be just fine."

Seeing that Kamaria was still unsure about his wellbeing, Pua let out a small smile, and spoke with a warm voice.

Pua - "How about this? If I start to realize that I need help finding a new home, I'm come to Pride Rock. Deal?"

Kamaria - "...Deal. I have to get back with the Lion Guard now. Goodnight, Sir Pua."

Pua - "Goodnight, Princess Kamaria."

The next day, the Guard sat in the lair as Ono made another attempt to muffle Bunga's scent, much to the annoyance of Fuli. Jumping into the pumice, Bunga started sneezing uncontrollably because of the dust, must to Kamaria's concern, and Fuli's amusement.

Ono - "Let me try one last thing!"

Fuli - "One last thing? Isn't that what you said last time?"

Bunga - "Nah. The one three times before that was the last thing. Not that I'm counting. What do you got, Ono?"

Ono - "Pumice! It always works for me. Just flap around in the dust...and you'll be odor free!"

Bunga - "Okay!...Ah-choo! Ah-choo! Ah-choo!"

Fuli - "Are you trying to stop Bunga from smelling, or being able to smell?"

Kiara suddenly enters the lair, interrupting Ono's dusty attempt at weakening Bunga's smell. Immediately, Kia could pick up the distress in her sister's tone. She knew something was wrong.

Kiara - "Kion! Kia!"

Beshte - "Hey Kiara! What's the kerbubble?"

Kiara - "Zazu's just received word that a herd of giraffe have moved into the baboon's forest. And Dad's out hunting with Mom."

Kion - "We're on it!"

Kamaria - "Lion Guard! Let's head out!"

Kion - "Ono, what do you see?"

Ono - "It's crazy, you guys! Not only have the giraffes taken over the monkeys' forest, the acacia savanna where the giraffes live is full of zebra and antelope! The zebra and antelope grazing ground is overrun with elephants, and the elephants' watering hole is filled with hippos!"

Kion - "Hevi Kabisa!"

Kamaria - "Ono, is anyone actually in their natural habitat?!"

Ono - "Wait, there's more! Looks like Makuu and the crocodiles have taken over Big Springs!"

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