Chapter 17 - Can't Wait to be Stronger

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Kamaria sat quietly watching Rafiki run around his tree and grab multiple herbs and flowers. Her breathing had gone down to a steady pace, even if the bee stings on her body were still swollen. The mjuzi jumped and chanted different songs as he worked, and Kia giggled at his enthusiasm for making paint.

Kamaria - "Haha! You sure do like paintings, huh, Rafiki?"

Rafiki - "As if you don't enjoy them as well, Princess?"

Kamaria - "Haha! Yeah, I guess I do!...If only I were as good at being a member of the Lion Guard as you are at painting—Ow!"

Rafiki had suddenly hit Kamaria on the head with his staff, and Kia rubbed her head trying to sooth the pain. Glaring at the mandrill, Kia asked why Rafiki felt it was so important to hit her across the head. But Rafiki found the resemblance to her father quite amusing.

Kamaria - "Ow! Geez! What was that for?!"

Rafiki - "Hahaha! Ah, like father, like daughter!"

Kamaria - "Yeah, yeah! But seriously, why'd you hit me on the head?!"

Rafiki - "Foolish words should never be spoken out loud! Especially from such a wise princess as you!"

Kamaria - "It's not like I'm being dramatic. I couldn't keep myself up after a few bee stings! I'm pretty sure a leader should be able to face against threats bigger than bugs!"

The Royal Mjuzi looked at the young lioness and frowned. He'd seen what self doubt can lead to when someone doesn't stand by to let you know your worth. Kamaria was many things, but she wasn't a quitter. From day one, she fought to live and make a name for herself, no matter the worries that she received from those around her. A smile came to the mandrill's face when the winds picked up and dropped a hint to show Kamaria the painting of her ancestors. Gripping his staff, Rafiki let the gourds shake to grab Kia's attention, and the young princess looked at the painting curiously. It was one of the very first ruler of the Pride Lands, Queen Jamala. Rafiki explained to Kia how the first queen was born very sickly, and how it made her declaration as the first ruler of the lands to be all the more surprising.

Kamaria - "Isn't that a painting of Queen Jamala?"

Rafiki - "Yes, the very one! When Jamala was born, she was very sick, almost as sick as you were when you arrived into this world. But the queen grew stronger. With each passing day, Jamala became more and more determined to show the pride of her strength. When her home was taken by rouge males, Jamala led her family away to what would be the Pride Lands. Overcome with tyranny and chaos, our now harmonious kingdom was nothing short of a disaster! But Jamala brought peace to the lands, and she taught the animals about the Circle of Life. The queen fought against the lions who controlled the lands with heartless force, and rose an army to defend against the evil that spread throughout the land. After defeating the leader of the lions, Jamala rose to the top of Pride Rock and roared with victory, declaring the kingdom to be rid of the monsters who threatened and destroyed their homeland. With her family and new friends by her side, Queen Jamala has become one of the most powerful rulers that the Pride Lands have ever had!"

Kamaria sat in shock. She always loves hearing Rafiki's stories, but she hadn't heard about how the kingdom was established. She'd never guess that Jamala had been born sickly, having heard of the undeniable strength she possessed in each of the stories she was in. Kia silently wondered if Rafiki was trying to hint that she could get stronger as well. As cliche as it sounded, the young princess did feel better after hearing such a story. If someone as legendary and amazing as Queen Jamala could've started out so small, maybe Kamaria could grow up into something more as well. Kia always dreamed of being seen as something other than the sickly princess who stays in the shade. Being a leader of the Lion Guard was her chance to show it.

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