Chapter 2 - A Beautiful Day

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Years had passed since the birth of Kiongozi and Kamaria, and the twins were proving to everyone that they were attached to the hip. It was rare that the two would be separated for more than a few hours, the exception being when Kia would watch over the younger cubs. While not necessarily healthy by normal standards, Kia was at a point in the scale where she was having a good day, while still having some trouble breathing. One thing to mention about Kia, she loves babysitting. A lot more than cubs her age, including Kion. All of the royal cubs had some sort of schedule today. Aisha had left the Pride Lands to live as a rouge or find a new pride, which left Kopa to be the eldest, and as of right now, he spent his days learning about healing properties and becoming a pride mjuzi, since the Royal Mjuzi would be a mandrill apprentice that Rafiki would eventually take on. Kiara, as the eldest biological child of Simba and Nala, was training to be the next queen of the Pride Lands, and was preparing to track gazelle with her friends. Kion would be out playing Baobab Ball with Bunga, so they would be all over the savannah, most likely getting into some sort of trouble. With everyone else going on with their usual activities, Kia finds herself happily watching over the cubs, and taking them out to flower fields to give their parents peace of mind.

Currently, Kia and the cubs were on their way to her favorite flower field, where flowers of every color would bloom right before the rainy season, and right after the dry season. The cubs Penda, Sefu, Erevu, and Moyo followed behind their babysitter, who is also their role model and hero, asking endless amounts of questions about basically anything that came to their minds. The princess let out a giggle at their enthusiasm, and helped them down the ledge going down the hill.

Kamaria - "You guys remember the rules, right? I don't want you going off where I can't see you, and I don't want you guys running too far. You guys know I can't run after you without risking my health. Remember what happened last time?"

On a trip to some flower fields, the cubs had gotten excited and started running ahead, and Kia struggled to keep up with them. The cubs thought their babysitter's shouts were part of the game, and only sped further away. To their confusion, Kia wasn't behind them. Turning around and calling out for Kia, they found her in the tall grass, struggling to breath and coughing violently. Horrified, Penda ran to Pride Rock for help, while the boys stayed by Kia's side, crying as they tried to figure out why their favorite princess was on the ground basically dying in front of them. To the cubs' relief, Kia turned out just fine, and even after having been scolded by their parents for causing Kia to have an attack, they were overjoyed by her recovery. From that day on, the group of cubs decided they would never run ahead of Kia, not wanting to risk her health once again.

Sefu - "Yes, Kia, we'll stay close by."

Kia watched the cubs roll around in the flowers while batting the loose petals at each other. She knew whatever Kion and Bunga were up to would keep them in the blazing sun and leave her exhausted, so she was grateful she had these cubs to look after. Even if she was one of the weakest cubs in the pride, she was a role model and hero for these children, and she enjoyed having someone to look after.


Kia's ears perked up, and her heart dropped to her stomach. Someone was here. Someone was watching them. Calling the cubs back to her, she got in a protective stance, her ears against her head and her claws flexing aggressively.

Kamaria - "Who's there?!"

Penda - "Kia, what's going on?"

Erevu - "Are we in danger?!"

Kamaria - "Who are you?! Show yourself!"

A figure jumped out of the grass, and Erevu was taken into the mysterious animal's jaws. The cubs yelled in horror while Kia felt herself nauseous with fear. The animal that had jumped from the bushes was a lean and strong African wild dog. His eyes were erratic and wild, mirroring his personality and motives. Dropping the lion cub to the ground, he kept his claws against Erevu's tail while the rest of the cubs pleaded for his safety.

Kamaria - "I don't know who you are, but as a Princess of the Pride Lands, I demand you let that cub go right now!"

Wild Dog - "Come on, Princess. If I cared what you pesky royals wanted, would I be here holding your brat as my lunch?"

Sefu and Moyo - "Lunch?!"

Penda - "Don't hurt him, please!"

Kamaria - "I won't ask you again! Let go of Erevu now, or I—"

Wild Dog - "Or what, Princess? You and I both know you don't have any strength to actually fight me!"

Kamaria tried to figure out her options, but right now, the situation was bleak and basically hopeless. She was ready to send the rest of the cubs to find an adult, while she kept the wild dog distracted, when she felt a weird feeling on her shoulder, and something grew within her chest. Her eyes closed in frustration and determination, and something came from within her, something powerful.

Sefu - "Erevu!"

Moyo - "Kia, help him!"

Penda - "Let him go!"

Erevu - "Kia!"

Kia's eyes flew open, and she felt a type of power she had never felt in her entire life.

Kamaria - "LET! HIM! GO!"


Out of nowhere, Kia let out a roar so powerful and loud, lions formed in the clouds above her, and the wild dog stepped away from Erevu in shock. Running in fear, but not before giving the cubs a sour look, the wild dog was gone. Kia eventually stopped roaring, and a strange mark appeared on her shoulder. The mark only appeared for a few seconds though, and after disappearing, Kia fell to the ground in exhaustion. The cubs shouted in fear as Kia could barely keep her eyes open, but eventually she had enough strength to stand up, and gave the cubs reassurance.

Kamaria - "I'm alright, guys. But let's head back before that dog, or anything else tries to attack us."

Kia stumbled before even attempting to walk, and two cubs stood on each side to keep her from falling. It was going to be a long trip to Pride Rock, and it was going to be an even longer story as to why Kia had suddenly roared with the power of 1,000 lions, and somehow, wasn't already dead on the ground.

Princess Kamaria was in for one wild ride.

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