Chapter 20 - The Kupatana Celebration

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In Mizimu Grove, an assortment of animals stood on the ledge at the front of the trees, with Zazu acting as the choirmaster, and Kamaria singing in the front and center. The others, including Beshte's father, sang the background vocals while Kia sang the main part of the song. (The lyrics that the giraffe sang in the song are the ones Kia is singing in this AU.) Zazu paused the chorus as he addressed Mbuni to sing the correct lyrics and Kia's fidgeting paws. Kia has been the lead singer of the Kupatana song for four years now, but the stage fright was still in her. The Lion Guard listened from nearby and watched Kia slowly get more comfortable while singing.

Fuli - "I think Kia's getting better at being on stage."

Simba - "She is, and your dad is sounding good, Beshte."

Beshte - "Thanks, your majesty! He's been practicing! It's not every day you get to be a part of the Kupatana celebration."

Ono - "Well, considering Kupatana only happens once a year."

Bunga - "And I can't wait! It's the biggest party in the Pride Lands!"

Kion - "It's not just a party, Bunga."

Simba - "Yes. Kupatana is the one day all the animals in the Pride Lands gather side-by-side, to celebrate the Circle of Life in peace."

Fuli - "Yeah. It's the most peaceful day of the year!"

??? - "Yip-yip! Yip-yip! Yip-yip!"

Hyenas - "Hahaha!"

Fuli - "...I spoke too soon."

Having heard the hyenas from the stage, Zazu and Kia paused the song once again as the young leader ran towards her friends, who were already on the move. Running made it into the Outlands, Kion pounced at Janja while Kia jumped in front of the jackal pup and extended her front leg to keep him from seeing the fight.

Kion - "Not today, Janja! Argh!"

Janja - "Hey! Hey! Easy on the fur!"

Jackal - "What's happening?!"

Kamaria - "It's okay, little one. Everything's fine, just focus on me."

Janja - "What are you doing in the Outlands anyway?!"

Kion - "Making sure you let that pup go!"

Bunga - "Yeah! Don't you know todays Kupatana?!"

Janja - "Ku—Ku—Kupatana?! Hahaha! Okay, Kion. You want the jackal. He's all yours."

Kamaria - "Wait, what?"

Kion - "Uh...okay?"

Janja - "Come on, fellas! The Lion Guard's doing us a favor today! Hahaha! Merry Kupatana!"

The hyenas ran away laughing as the Lion Guard stood confused at what'd happened, and while she was suspicious, Kia looked over the jackal pup for any injuries, who ran up in excitement as he jumped in their faces. The Guard stood there with a slight amount of amusement at the kid's antics, but Fuli stood feeling wary of this strange jackal pup.

Ono - "That was...different."

Beshte - "Yeah. You think Janja celebrates Kupatana, too?"

Fuli - "I seriously doubt it."

Jackal - "That's, you guys! You were awesome! You were like, 'Let the jackal go!' And they did!"

Fuli - "Yeah. But why?"

Kamaria - "We're just glad to see that you're not hurt...Um..."

Dogo - "I'm Dogo! And guys must be the Lion Guard! You are the coolest! You just looked at the jackals and they ran away!"

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