Chapter 15 - Kamaria the Wise

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Fuli - "I'm sorry, what?! They said Bunga should replace you as the Wisest?! Do they not know who you are?! I swear, I'm gonna—"

Kamaria - "It's fine, really, Fuli! I'm used to it!"

Kion - "No! See, that's the problem! You shouldn't be used to it!"

Kamaria - "Kion, Fuli, I can't change their minds, and they're allowed to have an opinion about me."

Ono - "Yes, but you're the princess! If they have an opinion about you that isn't flattering, they don't need to talk about you when you're right there! It's outrageous!"

Beshte - "You treat everyone with respect. The least they can do is return it."

Kamaria - "I appreciate it, guys. Really, but it's easier for me to...?"

Lion Guard - "...Huh?!"

Kion - "Hevi Kabisa!"

In front of them, Mbuni the ostrich, has her head stuck in the dirt. She was crying out for help, but her cries were muffled by the fact that she couldn't even breath with her head in the ground. With Fuli and Kion grabbing her tail feathers and pulling her back to the surface, Mbuni gasped for air while the Lion Guard asked what had happened, accidentally spitting some dirt into Ono's face in the process.

Beshte - "I didn't think ostriches really did that."

Ono - "They don't."

Kion - "And I don't think that one likes it very much. Come on!"

Kamaria - "Hang on, Miss Mbuni!"

Mbuni - "Oh! Thank you! Hard to breathe down there."

Ono - "Ugh!"

Mbuni - "Sand. Ugh!"

Ono - "Watch where you're spitting! Ugh! Tall birds!"

Kamaria - "Are you alright, Miss Mbuni?"

Mbuni - "I am now. Thanks!"

Fuli - "So why did you stick your head in the sand in the first place?"

Mbuni - "Bunga the Wise said it was the best way to avoid seeing hyenas. And he's the smartest animal there is."

Fuli - "..."

Kion - "...Don't say it."

Ono - "Hapana! Those pink flowers will make them sick!"

Kion - "Bushbucks! Stop!"

Running over and stomping on the flowers, Kia got in between the bushbucks and the Lion Guard to avoid a confrontation. Needless to say, the bushbucks weren't pleased about their food being flattened into the ground. Kion felt Fuli's unimpressed look on her face, and rolled his eyes.

Beshte - "I got them!"

Bushbuck - "Hey! Our flowers!"

Beshte - "You shouldn't eat these!"

Kamaria - "Those flowers are gonna get you sick! You can't digest those properly!"

Bushbuck - "But Bunga the Wise said pink flowers were the tastiest. And he's the smartest animal there is."

Fuli - "..."

Kion - "...I know what you're thinking."

??? - "Help!"

Fuli - "Ugh! Now what?!"

Running to the edge of a cliff, the Lion Guard could see an oryx stuck on a ledge below it. With Fuli and Kamaria grabbing his horns and pulling him up, Kion stood as backup for his sister before he questioned the bushbuck as to why he was on the ledge in the first place.

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