Chapter 3 - "We're the what?!"

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Finally getting back to Pride Rock, the cubs helped Kia up the platform, and she saw Kion, Bunga, Rafiki, and Simba walking towards them. At the sound of the cubs worrying about Kia, the royal family sprinted over to assist Kia, already knowing what had happened to cause her to feel so weak.

Kamaria - "Now before you freak out, I don't actually know what happened to me. I was taking the cubs on a trip to the flower fields when—"

Nala - "It's alright Kia, we already know."

Now Kia was confused. How did her parents already know what happened when they had been at Pride Rock this whole time? Was that roar she let out even louder than she thought it was?

Nala - "Thank you for bringing Kia back to Pride Rock, children. But right now, we need to speak with her and Kion about something privately."

With that, the cubs saying their goodbyes and heading into the caves to find their parents. Kia looked to her father, who had a serious and almost grim expression on his face, then looked to her brother, who seemed to be as confused as she was, while Bunga was a curious ball of energy, as he always was.

Simba - "Kia, we need to talk, I've discussed this with Kion and you need to know as well."

Kamaria - "I hope you're not talking about that talk because we both know how much Kion enjoyed it the last time we had it."

Giving a small chuckle at his daughter's response, as well as the grumbling that came from Kion about the talk, Simba and Rafiki led the twins, along with Bunga, to a hidden cave at the side of Pride Rock.

Kion, Kamaria - "Huh?"

Bunga - "It's a bunch of...vines?"

Simba - "Rafiki?"

Rafiki, with his signature grin, used his staff to reveal a cave hidden by the overgrown vines, leaving Kion, Kia, and Bunga shocked.

Kion, Kamaria - "Woah!"

Bunga - "Look at that!"

Kion and Kia were confused, they had never seen this cave before. Even when Rafiki had moves the vines aside to show the entrance, the twins still had no idea what had their father so concerned. Where were they taking them? Are they in danger?

Kion - "How did I not know this was here?"

Kamaria - "Dad, what is this place?"

Simba - "This is the Lion Guard Lair. It's the secret meeting place for the members of the Lion Guard."

Bunga - "Ugh! Maybe they should think about fixing the place up?"

Cough, Cough

Bunga - "Or at least doing some dusting."

Rafiki - "Hmm. Yes!"

Rafiki lets out a laugh as he jumps to the top of a rock underneath an entrance at the top of the lair, and wind fills the cave to revive it, and the roars of the Lions of the Past are heard throughout the wind. Kamaria feels their spirits dance through the wind, leaving a chill against her fur.

Bunga - "Ah, that's more like it. Can you show that trick to my Uncle Timon and Uncle Pumbaa?"

Rafiki chuckles with sass, and jumps down from the ledge he stands on.

Kion - "Dad, enough will all the secrecy stuff. You gotta tell us!"

Kamaria - "What is the Lion Guard?"

Simba - "The Lion Guard is the team that protects the Pride Lands, and defends the Circle of Life."

Simba - "According to tradition, the Lion Guard is made up of the Fiercest, Bravest, Fastest, Strongest, and Keenest of Sight."

Kamaria - "So what happened to them? It looks like they haven't been in here since..."

Kion - "Forever."

Simba - "I'm afraid it's a story without a happy ending."

Rafiki's smile was gone, and his face was serious as he used his staff to make a painting on the wall come to life.

Kion, Kamaria, Bunga - "Woah!"

Simba - "When your grandfather Mufasa was about your age, his younger brother Askari, though we know him as Scar, was the leader of the Lion Guard. Scar also had the gift of the Roar. The Roar made Scar feel powerful. But that power went to Scar's head. He began to think he should be King, instead of his older brother Mufasa."

Simba - "So Scar ordered the Lion Guard to help him take down Mufasa. When the Guard refused, Scar was furious. And then, Scar used the Roar to destroy the Lion Guard. What Scar didn't realize, was that by using the Roar for evil, he would loose the power of the Roar...completely."

Kion - "Hevi Kabisa!"

Kamaria - "Mungu Mpendwa!" (Dear God!)

Bunga - "Yeah!"

Rafiki - "The Roar is a very powerful gift. It can be used for great good, but it can also lead to terrible evil!"

Kion - "Well, we would never be like Scar!"

Kion, Kamaria - "Ever!"

Simba - "I'm glad to hear that, kids. Because starting two are the leaders of the new Lion Guard!"

Kion, Kamaria - "We're the what?!"

Rafiki - "You heard Simba! Haha! The leaders of the new Lion Guard. They are you! Yes! They! Are! You!" Laughs

Kamaria - "Dad?"

Simba - "It's true, Kamaria, Kiongozi."

Kion - "Wow! Amazing!"

Kamaria - "Uh, Dad? You said the leader is the Fiercest. I'm not fierce in any form, and I certainly don't have any of the qualifications for the rest of the positions for the Guard. Why am I one of the leaders?"

Simba - "Kia, a long time ago, the first leader of the Lion Guard discovered a prophecy sent by the Lions of the Past. The Spirits told him that one day, a Lion Guard would be led by two lions. One would be the Fiercest, the traditional leader. But by his side, the other leader would become the Wisest. Together, they would lead the Guard and defend against the worst threats this kingdom has ever faced. Nothing was known about when to expect this prophecy, or what the leaders would look like. The only thing that the Pride Lands knew, was that the Wisest would have greenish-blue eyes. Eyes that would rival the ocean for their beauty, and have a soul of pure kindness, one the Pride Lands has never seen before."

Simba "You may not be strong or fast, but you have the wisdom that even the most stubborn elders of our pride listen to. You look at situations with a set of fresh eyes, and tell us what we need to hear to solve the problem, even if the truth isn't something we wish to hear."

Kamaria - "You really think I can do it?"

Kion - "Of course you can! Besides, I'll still be there to lead the Guard with you!"

Simba - "And now as the leaders of the Guard, I need you to assemble the Pride Land's Bravest, Fastest, Strongest, and Keenest of Sight."

Kion - "Okay Dad, got it. Don't worry, we're gonna make you proud!"

As Simba watched the twins run off in sync, as they always did, he looked to see Bunga staring at him with a very large snails on his face, and his tone turned to slightly amused.

Simba - "Yes, Bunga?"

Bunga - This! Is! Un-Bunga-Lievable!"

As Bunga runs off to join Kion and Kia, Rafiki steps towards the king and sees the hidden worry on his face.

Rafiki - "You see Simba? And now, the twins will choose the best lions in the Pride for the Guard."

Simba - "Yes, Rafiki. But I'm still not sure they're ready. Kion is a fierce and protective lion, but Kia is still very weak and small. I'm not sure I can put her out there defending the kingdom."

Kion and Kamaria had new roles as the Fiercest and the Wisest, the leaders of the Lion Guard, but above all, they were his cubs, and Simba didn't care if he was being "unfair" by keeping his children safe when they were still so young.

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