Chapter 10 - The Rise of Makuu

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The sound of panicked chittering could be heard in the distance as the Lion Guard rushed to the scene. Everyone on the Guard speculated what the emergency could be.

Ono - "It's coming from Ukuni Woods!"

Kion - "What do we got, Ono? Hyenas?"

Fuli - "Jackals?"

Kamaria - "Wild Dogs?"

Beshte - "Vultures?"

Bunga - "Hyenas, jackals, wild dogs, vultures. Whatever it is, the Lion Guard can take it!"

Ono - "Hold on, I'm getting it in sight!"

Using his enhanced vision, Ono zoomed in on the source of the chittering noises, only to realize that there was, in fact, no predator invading or attacking. It was a hyrax stuck in a thorn bush...of course it was.

Ono - "Really?!"

Kion - "Ono! Report!"

Ono - "Nothing thrilling. Just a hyrax stuck in a thorn bush."

Kamaria - "Oh, the poor thing!"

Fuli - "Seriously?"

Beshte - "That's not so bad."

Bunga - "We rushed all the way across the Pride Lands for this? Poor Kia almost had a heart attack!"

Kion - "Bunga, the Lion Guard's duty is to defend the Circle of Life."

Kamaria - "And whether you like it or not, that includes helping sweet little hyraxes out of the thorn bushes."

Bunga - "All right. I got this one!"

Jumping up to the thorn bush, Bunga held his hands out for the hyrax to jump into. But much to his confusion, the hyrax would jump away each time he tried to pull him out of the thorn bush.

Bunga - "Come on, hyraxie. Let's get you out of there."

Beshte - "Uh, Little B? I think the hyrax's trying to avoid being shredded by the thorns."

Bunga - "Oh! Kion, Kia, use the roar! You two can flatten those thorn bushes!"

Fuli- "If the twins flatten the thorn bushes with the Roar, what do you think will happen to the hyrax?"

Bunga - "Oh, I hadn't thought about that."

Kion - "Listen. We don't need the Roar to clear the thorn bushes."

Kamaria - "We can just pull them aside."

Bunga - "Oh, yeah! Zuka Zama!"

Jumping up and into the thorn bush, Bunga lifted the prickly branches up and stood over the hyrax, who was still too frightened to move.

Bunga - "Let's go, hyraxie! Move it!"

Fuli - "I got it!"

Fuli rushed up to the hyrax, grabbing him gently, but swiftly into her jaws, and rushing away so that Bunga could release himself from the thorn bushes. Letting the hyrax down on the ground, the Lion Guard watched him rub himself with the snake skin he'd been holding onto.

Kamaria - "Thanks, Sis."

Kion - "Yeah, nice work Fuli. Good job, Bunga."

Fuli - "Woah?! Weird! It must really like that snake skin."

Ono - "No, no, no. It's using the scent from the snake skin to mask its own smell."

Kamaria - "It's how they throw off snakes and avoid being detected. It's actually really clever!"

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