Chapter 18 - The Eye of the Beholder

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Out of all the things to wish for in this world, Kia knew it was foolish to hope for a day where the Lion Guard didn't have to respond to any threats, especially when Janja was in one of his moods. Janja and his clan were causing the wildebeests to start a stampede, and the dust they kicked up from the ground made it almost impossible to see where you were going. Kion had just barely managed to jump out of the way of a wildebeest running towards him. Kia pushed her brother up before he got trampled and leaned against him for support.

Kion - "Aah!"

Kamaria - "Kion! Are you alright?!"

Kion - "Yeah! Thanks, Sis!"

Fuli - "Kion, Kia! Ugh! How are we supposed to chase off the hyenas?! We can't even see them in all this dust!"

Kion - "I'm sure that's part of Janja's plan, Fuli."

Ono - "Guys! Look out!"

Kion - "Hevi Kabisa!"

Fuli - "Woah!"

Kamaria - "Good catch, Ono!"

Kion - "Keep your eyes peeled for Janja and his clan!"

Ono - "Peeled eyes?! Ew!"

Checking farther ahead, Ono saw that Cheezi and Chungu were getting ready to attack a calf who was separated from the herd. Ono alerted Bunga and Beshte of the situation, who managed to chase them off before they could attack.

Ono - "Bunga, Beshte! I see Cheezi and Chungu! They're behind that bush!"

Bunga - "Let's get them, Beshte!"

Beshte - "Twende Kiboko!"

Cheezi, Chungu - "AAH!"

Bunga - "Zuka Zama!"

Ono - "Haha! That takes care of those two."

Down on the ground, Kion barely avoided being trampled by jumping onto the wildebeest's back, and pushing his sister with him to the side. Keeping Ono on alert for Janja, the twins stood close together as they kept their own eyes peeled for any potential attacks. Kia had split away from Kion and made her way towards Fuli, while Ono's keen eyes helped Kion avoid Janja's attack, and had him on the surface as they faced off.

Kion - "Ono! Look for Janja!"

Kamaria - "If we can chase him out, his hyenas will follow!"

Ono - "Affirmative!"

Kion - "Kia! Go with Fuli! Get yourself and her away from the stampede to calm the stragglers!"

Kamaria - "You got it! Fuli?! Where are you?!"

Janja - "Got you now, lion cub!"

Ono - "Kion! Behind you! Look out!"

Kion - "Janja! I told you to stay out of the Pride Lands!"

Janja - "Did you?! I must've forgot! Ugh!"

Ono - "Kion! Incoming!"

Kion - "See you, hyena!"

Janja - "AAH! Ugh...I've had enough. Come on, fellas! Let's go!"

Cheezi - "But, Janja, what about the plan?!"

Chungu - "Hehe, yeah! The dust is still making things hard to see!"

Janja - "Yeah, yeah! Dust don't matter when the Lion Guard has eyes in the sky! Now move it!"

Fuli - "That's right! Get out of here!"

Chungu - "I'm going! I'm going!"

Kamaria - "All of you, keep on moving! Get yourself back to the Outlands!"

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