Droid Rescue

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After losing many battles to General Grievous and his droid army. Y/N, Ahsoka, Anakin, and Rex were having a meeting with Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan (hologram): Among our most recent losses was the battle group at Falleen. The Separatist fleet commanded by General Grievous is headed your way.

Anakin: Seems like that coward always knows where and when to attack us.

Obi-Wan (hologram): You're heavily outnumbered, Anakin. I advise retreat.

Anakin: If we run, the Separatists will take control of this sector. We can't let them do that.

Obi-Wan: And that's your problem.

Ahsoka: Master Kenobi is right. We should regroup. We don't stand a chance against-

Anakin: Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: Suicide is not the Jedi way, Master.

Obi-Wan (hologram): You should listen to your Padawan.

Anakin: As you listened to yours, my old master? No, we are going to stay and fight.

Y/N: Don't worry, I came up with a plan. We're going to win this fight.

Anakin: What is it?

Y/N: Captain Rex, I need you to take a squad on one of the asteroids with the Walkers. Grievous isn't going to use a shield for the rear end of his ship.

Ahsoka: How are you so sure?

Y/N: I know he won't. Let's get into places. I know he's coming.

Y/N quickly ran to the hangar as he saw his Gold Squadron getting ready also.

Anakin: You sure you don't need me?

Y/N: Nah, I'll be fine. It's better to have you here.

Anakin: All right.

Y/N: Ready, R2? (R2 beeps)

Y/N got into his ship and he started his ship and flew out of the hangar. Y/N flew ahead and his Gold Squadron joined up with him.

Y/N: Gold Squadron, tighten formation. Slow approach. Let's draw them in. (R2 beeps) Don't worry, R2. Griveous is falling right into our trap.

Ahsoka (radio): Resolute command to Gold Leader. We are standing by.

Anakin (radio): Patience Ahsoka, Y/N will be fine.

Y/N: All right, men take evasive action!

Y/N and Gold Squadron broke apart and started evading enemy fire but one of the cruisers were shot down. As Y/N dodged an asteroid he quickly noticed that it was time to unveil the plan.

Y/N: Anakin, Ahsoka, they're in position. It's time.

Ahsoka (radio): Right away, Y/N.

Anakin (radio): Rex, time to join the party.

Rex (radio): Yes, sir.

The Walkers started shooting the rear of Grievous's ship. As the Cruisers also started firing back. Y/N flew to one of Grievous's ship and shot the cockpit destroying the ship entirely.

Y/N: *chuckles* This is too easy.

Suddenly, Y/N saw Grievous flying past him and he quickly chased after him. Y/N was shooting at Grievous but he was evading his lasers.

Y/N: He's powering up his hyperdrive, R2. Hang on.

An explosion happened right next to Y/N but he was able to avoid it but the wing was badly damaged. And Y/N noticed it.

Ahsoka X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now