Death Watch

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(Starkiller's Chapter)

Starkiller was sent on a mission to take out the members from Death Watch as they were on one of the coldest planets in the whole galaxy, Planet Carlac.

Sidious (hologram): Starkiller, have you arrived to your destination?

Starkiller: Yes, Master.

Sidious: Good... Now, go and kill the group before they can make their attack on Count Dooku. However, gather as much information as you can before killing them.

Starkiller: Yes, my Master.

Starkiller looked at his hands and he turned it into a fist and he cracked his neck. Starkiller followed the path while wearing his cloak to hide his lightsaber. But he could sense someone in the Force nearby that was similar to whom he met before.

He continued on the path but he was already surrounded by the members of Death Watch which he wasn't surprised about it since they were one of the deadliest groups in the galaxy.

Death Watch Member 1: Well, what do we have here, are you lost?

Starkiller: Yes, it appears I am. Is there a village nearby where I can rest. I will take my leave in the morning.

Death Watch Member 1: There's no village but our camp is just ahead. Follow us, and keep your word to leave in the morning.

Starkiller: Do not worry. I always keep my word.

Death Watch Member 1: Hop on.

Starkiller got on the speeder with the Death Watch Member and they drove towards the camp. But Starkiller still sensed that same Force presence that was nearby but it was getting closer and closer.

As they arrived to the camp he made eye contact with the person that he felt in the Force which was Ahsoka. He was confused to see why she was there but decided to not think too much about it. As he was about to walk into a tent someone grabbed his arm.

Ahsoka: What are you doing here?

Starkiller: Well, it appears we meet again, Padawan.

Ahsoka: The name's Ahsoka, Starkiller. Now, tell me why you're here.

Starkiller: If you are asking me that I'm going to kill innocent people here don't bother. My targets are the Death Watch. If you get in my way, I will not hesitate to attack you.

Ahsoka: I wasn't planning to.

Death Watch Member 2: Hey, get in the tent.

Starkiller and Ahsoka went into the tent together as they saw many other people inside but they were all women.

Ahsoka: May I sit next to you?

???: Of course.

Ahsoka: Thank you. What's your name?

Tryla: Tryla.

Ahsoka: I'm Ahsoka.

Tryla: Who's he? (points at Starkiller)

Ahsoka: That is my uh... husband. Come here, darling, you're scaring the others.

Starkiller walked over to Ahsoka and sat down next to her. He had no choice but to play along with her act. But he hated that he had to play it along with a Jedi.

Tryla: Why does he wear a mask?

Ahsoka: (wraps her arms around him) Oh, he's just very shy. He rarely only speaks when there's people around.

Starkiller (whispers): You are making my mission very difficult.

Ahsoka (whispers): Shut up... You'll complete your mission just play along. I have a friend that is very delusional because he's blinded by these Death Watch murderers.

Ahsoka X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now